A mental snap.

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Ray, Punzie, Squid, Kendall, and Paul struggled against the straps that kept them on their separate examination tables. "Well well well...isn't this nice~" Chris's voice filled the room in the cold basement as he passed back and forth between them all. Paul struggled against the gag in his mouth and tried to speak. Chris was feeling generous as he removed the gag. "What was that friend?" Chris said as Paul stated yelling "what are you doing to us?!" Paul pulled at his bonds while Chris went around and took the gags off everyone else who all yelled at him to let them go. "Now now everyone, quiet down or I'll start the tests early~" Chris smiled as everyone looked at him half mad and half scared. "Now from what I've noticed, you five are all the 'nicest' of the people we know...so after all this comic week stuff I wanted to see what would happen if I experimented on you all~" everyone's eyes went wide at Chris's words as they started pulling hard against the binds. "I think I'll start with...how about Squid?" Chris said as he walked over to her table. "DONT YOU TOUCH HER!!" Paul yelled as a TV monitor lowered in front of squid, an inch away from her face. "Oh don't worry Paul, this will only hurt squid for a second." As he said this he taped her eyes wide open and covered her ears with sound proof headphones Playing a constant track of soft talking in her ears. As the TV was turned on do display several patterns and flashing lights, Chris set up a little device that would drop drops into Squids eyes to keep them hydrated. Squid tried to pull away and not look at the TV but she couldn't do so to save her soul. Aw she watched the patterns flash in her eyes and listed to the voices in her hears, she was helpless. Next Chris waked over to Ray and hooked cables up to his table. "C-Chris please buddy...you don't have to do all this. Why not just...just hang out and play some video games or something?" Ray smiled nervously as Chris just smiled down at him. "I would love to Ray, but can you tell me something first? Would you kill your friends if I asked?" Rays eyes went wide at his question. "What? No! No I wouldn't!" Chris frowned as he pressed a button. "Wrong answer Ray..." As he pressed it 200 volts where sent into Rays metal Table, shocking him for a good 30 seconds. Ray screamed as the bolts went through him. "We'll try again later..." He walked over to Punzie and placed more bonds and forced her into a kneeling position on the floor. "So, how dose it feel to not be able to move Punzie?" Chris asked with a grin as he forced her down more onto all fours. Punzie began crying and begging Chris to stop through her tears. Chris waked over to Kendall next and pulled up her sleeves. "Chris please stop! Where friends! R-Right?" Chris smiled as he pulled out a needle and prepped it. "Indeed we are Kendall, but friends cant get in the way of science." Chris stuck the sharp needle into Kendall's skin, causing her to whine as she was injected with something. "Now this should have an interesting effect~" as Chris said this, Kendall began wildly thrashing in her restraints, her eyes tinted a slight red as she freaked out, this seemed to last for a good three minutes before she calmed down, and was back to normal, but she looked exhausted. Finally Chris walked over to Paul, who had been watching all this, horrified. All Chris did was ask Paul a question. "I'll make you a deal Paul, you kill everyone else yourself, and I'll let you go. Sound good?" Chris asked. Paul spat in Chris face as he told him "I would never kill my friends. So how about you give up your little science experiment and let us go!" Chris whipped his face clean and frowned. "Oh...well I see you have the most fight out of the others, hmm...I can change that soon enough." Chris turned and walked out of his lab and left everyone alone. "P-Paul...I'm scared..." Squid whimpered out as she was forced to watch the screen. "Yes, yes Janelle, we'll get out of here, I promise..." Paul turned to his girlfriend and gave her a smile that he himself wasn't sure if it was genuine or not, but he tried his best to make it look real. Weeks had passed and Chris had repeated the same thing that he did the first day, but Paul noticed something. He would try to talk to squid, but over time she seemed to talk less and less until she almost didn't talk at all. Ray got more and more hesitant with his answer of if he would kill others or not, and at one point was close to saying he would kill them. Punzie had at one point started to be given food in a bowl like an animal, while at first she refused to eat from it, she needed to food and ate. Kendal had needed more and more time to over come the injections from Chris to get back to normal. But Paul tried to keep hope. As a month has passed and Chris continued to do the same things. Again Paul noticed something. Squid started to talk about giving in and surrendering, this scared Paul a lot and he tried to tell her to ignore the screen and voices but squid would insist they where so pretty that she couldn't ignore them. Paul also noticed that ray had started to say he would kill his friends, and he was rewarded with a treat and a pleasurable shock to relax him, making him want to say he would kill them more and more. Kendall needed a full 5 hours or more to get over the injections, and even had been foaming at the mouth slightly. Punzie was being treated like an animal so much that even after her restraints where removed she couldn't get up from all fours. Paul stayed strong, he was worried about everyone, but mostly Squid. At this point it's almost been a year since all this began and Chris came down happy. "Ah, you know it's almost the one year anniversary of when I started all this, and look how far you've all come. Squid, what do you think about killing?" "I will kill whoever my master wants me to..."
"Very good, and Ray, what about you?"
"I will kill anyone, even my friends..." Ray was given another treat and a good shock.
"Good boy, and what about you Punzie?"
"I...I Kill..." It had gotten hard for punzie to talk as her torture went on for longer.
"And what about you Kendall?" He asked as he stuck the needle in her again. All Kendall did was scream and fight her restraints. Chris smiled as he walked over to a somber Paul. "Awww, what's the matter Paul? Given up?" Chris smiled as her looked him in the eyes. "Nah, just hate the look of you're ugly face in this lab." Paul smiled at Chris, still not broken. "Humph...still won't cooperate? Well then I guess you're useless......Kill him." Chris ordered as he released Paul and tossed him to the corner. He released everyone else and they all stared at Paul. As he tried to get up he saw his good friends all start to walk towards him on all fours slowly. "G-Guys? Come on now this is all some big joke right?" Paul asked as he tried to run away. Before he could get any ware, Punzie and Ray had grabbed his legs and he fell to the ground. "Guys please, come on please no..." Kendall pined him to the floor, snarling at him as he begged again. "No...please just no, this ain't you guys!" The next, and last, thing Paul saw, was a hypnotized squid lunge at him, ready to kill. "NOOOOO!!!" Chris smiled widely as a pool of blood slowly spread across the floor, and he picked up a blood stained white. "Always have a control in the experiment, thank you for being that control Paul, but you are no longer needed to me. And this was an interesting and successful test."

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