Chapter 4

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My jaw dropped to the floor. So, it was Kaden that gave Randy the black eye. But I'm Kaden's?

"Listen VP, the lady was coming on to me," Randy looked at me, smiled and winked. The shudder that ran through my body was surely visible. There was no way that I would ever come on to Randy.

"Kitten, is this true? Did you make a pass at Randy?" Kaden stepped from behind Randy and took a seat on the bar stool directly across from me. It became completely silence in the room which was totally unheard of because remember we are in a bar.

Everyone was watching me and waiting for my answer. I could feel my cheeks heating up. I don't think I can even answer so I just shook my head.

Kaden looks me in the eyes and nods his head. "So you lie about what my girl did?"

"Boss are you serious? You're going to listen to this little slu- "

Kaden stood up so fast and grabbed Randy by the shirt that both bar stools fell over. "Better watch your adjectives when you're talking about my girl. Get the fuck out of my face." Kaden pushed Randy away, making him fall over the bar stool landing on the floor.

Kaden looked and me and then turned around and walked away. I looked around and everyone was quiet with their jaws to the floor. Even Amanda and Stacy were looking at me. I literally do not understand what I have done to have caused Kaden to think I belong to him.

Soon enough the bar turned loud again and Stacy and Amanda started getting drinks out again, but no one came to me to get a drink. None of the guys would even look at me. Throughout the night the girls put me on the service well to make the drinks for the tables that are not at the bar.

"Sweetheart, I'm cutting you early tonight. Since that fight, the bar cleared out pretty fast."

"Oh Tony, you don't blame me for that, do you?" I need this job and I can't lose it due to something I didn't even cause.

Tony stopped, "Oh no sweetheart, that was nothing. You should see when they really fight. Randy and Kaden have always disliked each other. Randy thinks he should be president when Kaden's father steps down because Randy's dad was the original President of the club. But when he was convicted of a crime, the club voted Max, Kaden's dad, to be President. Randy is just bitter about it. Plus, Max is the best president the clubs had for a while. Business is up and there are no wars as of now."

I nodded, "Oh really? That's a lot of history. But do you know why Kaden has a thing for me?"

Tony shook his head, "No sweetheart, I couldn't tell you. But quite frankly, I don't blame him."

"Oh Tony stop it," I laughed lightly punching his arm.

"Sweetheart I was only kidding with you. But I just need you to grab a couple of bottles for the bar before you leave." Tony handed me the list and pointed to the liquor room.

Walking down the hall, there were a bunch doors on each side. Most of them were shut, besides the door at the end of the hall next to the liquor room. The door wasn't open but it was cracked enough to hear voices from the inside. It's only my first day and I don't want to cause any drama, so I mind my business and continue for the liquor room.

"But baby," a whiny girl's voice came from inside the room with the cracked door.

I tried to ignore it but the voice got louder and louder. I quietly shut the liquor room door and went to the door that was cracked. I shouldn't be doing this but it's hard not to when the voice gets louder. I just want to make sure no one is getting hurt.

"Mila, I told you it is over. Get the fuck out and out of my face," the man yelled.

"But baby, you're seriously going to let this slut get in between us. You know I can make you feel good baby, and make you forget all about that little slut."

"Mila, I told you to get the fuck out," the man yell. There was a big crash and I jumped causing me to trip over my own foot and fall forward right into the door. The door swung open and I fell inside the room. I looked up and saw the girl Mila. She was tall with tan skin and brown eyes. Her hair was black and looked very disheveled. She was wearing a black mini skirt with a hot pink tank top that was cut to show her belly and six inch heels to compliment her legs. She basically had a body to die for.

"Kitten?" Kaden came towards me and I bet I looked like a creep for just staring at this girl. I snapped out of my daze and got up off the floor.

I dusted myself off and whispered, "I'm sorry, I heard a crash and I-I didn't know, I uhh thought someone was hurt. Uhh yeah, so I'm just going to go and um yeah." I ran out of the room as fast as I can. There's one thing I don't need here and that's enemies.

I run to the liquor room and grab the bottles that Tony asked me to grab. I handed them to Amanda and she thanks me with a smile.

"Hey Tony, I got the bottles and I gave them to Amanda. I will see you tomorrow?" I turned to give Tony a smile but it wasn't Tony sitting at the desk. It was Kaden.

"Kitten, we need to talk."

Hey guys!

So, I know it's been a while since I last updated but I've been so super busy it's ridiculous. The end of the semester is coming closer and closer and all my professors have been piling on all the work. And to make things even worst, my grandmother passed away last Friday and it's just been pretty hard for my whole family. So, I wanted to get this chapter out for you guys. So thank you for being so patient! And I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter and I will try and get the next chapter out next week!



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