Chapter 6

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The dream felt so real. It was everything I ever wanted. Everything I longed for. It was in one word perfect. But I have to face the truth and that is that Robin will never love me as I love him and our families will never be able to live alongside eachother in peace. That is just how it is and how its always going to be.

I groan is despair as my thoughts of the dream keep me from falling asleep again. I have been daydreaming about the dream all day yesterday and just when I succesfully fell asleep I suddenly woke up at 4 am with no chance of falling back asleep. After a few minutes I accept my defeat. I look at the time and see its 6 am. "Well better get up" I think to myself as I make my way out of bed. I make myself to my closet and select my black skinny jeans along with a plain black shirt, my bordeaux leather jacket and my black boots. After I get dressed I make my way to my balcony to take in the morning scenery of moonacre valley. I was alarmed however when I saw a figure moving towards the forest and it didn't take me long before I realised it was Maria. "Oh no" I say to myself before start making my way outside as soon as possible to try and stop her before she get's herself in trouble again.

Once I make it outside I immediately make my way towards the forest and begin tracking her down. "Maria!" I begin to shout as loud as I can hoping to get a response but nothing followed my calls. After trying to find her for god knows how long I almost give up when I suddenly catch a glimps of her dress from afar. I make my way towards her and just as she wants to make her way in what seems like some sort of cave I stop her. I grab her hand and she comes to a holt. She turns around and looks at me with a mix of fear and confusion and speaks up saying "Emily? What in the world are you doing here?" "I could be asking you the same thing" I shoot back. "I want to go home I don't want anything to do with this place. The curse and everything it's just too much." "Okay first of all you want to go home and the first thing you think of to accomplish that is to go into a dangerous forest? Because that worked out so well for you the first time didn't it." I say slightly frustrated "And second of all what curse?" I ask confused. In all the years of me living here I've never heard of any curse. "I'm talking about the curse that when the 500th full moon set's this whole valley ceases to exist unless a so called moonprincess stops it by finding teh pearls the first moonprincess hid" Maria explains ignoring my first comment. "Look I don't know what your talking about but can we discuss this at home? Come on" I say and start turning around but I'm stopped in my tracks by a voice calling my name followed by Maria's. I turn around and discover that the sound came from within the cave. I see Maria making her way towards the entrance and I pull her back saying "You know if someone suddenly calls out your name it's probably not a good that your first intinct is to go inside their home." "Oh come on you're just being paranoid I'm sure it's safe. Look I'm going in whether you like it or not but you're welcome to wait here if you don't want to follow me" Maria answers before making her way inside. "I swear this girl is going to kill me" I say to myself before following her inside.

Not long after Maria enters I hear her scream so I make my way towards her as fast as I can. I see someone lifting up their hood to reveal someone I know all to well. Someone who I haven't seen in years. "Who are you?" I hear Maria ask . "Loveday" I wisper in shock but she already made her way inside so I decided to follow her in. When I enter I'm met with a suprisingly comfy looking room full of different animals moving around. I'm busy staring at everything when I suddenly hear Maria gasp in fear. I turn around to see Loveday holding a snake and talking to it. She puts the snake down after assuring Maria it won't do her any harm and she introduces herself to Maria saying "My name is Loveday" while bowing and kissing her hand afterwards. She then turns to me and gives me a hug. "I've missed you Emily" she says after she pulls away. "I missed you to" I say in response. She then makes her way towards a mirror and starts telling a story about the curse and while I stare into the mirror I suddenly see a vision of the moon crashing into Moonacre Valley before I'm being pulled out my focus by Loveday's voice. "One of you saw something didn't you? Tell me what you saw" she asks desperately. Before I can say anything Maria exclaims we should get going. Loveday starts to apoligise saying she's not used to visitors and that she just wants to be her friend. I think she got the hint from Maria's suitcase that she wasn't plannig on staying in Moonacre as she starts to explain why she belongs here and not in London. "We promise not to leave but can we please go outside I'm getting kind of stuffy" I say to break the awkward tension. "Ofcourse we can just follow me I have something I want to tell you both anyway" Loveday anwers before making her way outside. Maria and I follow her out curious about what she has to say.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2017 ⏰

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