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"Please dont leave me"

Just 3 minutes ago chris was threating me saying i cant leave, now he's begging me to stay?

"Do you remember how you said "i lost control of myself cuz she was someone i cared about in the past"

"Yes, and i no thats no excu-"

"What if i told you that"

"I w-"

"What if i cheated on you and you caught me fucking him then when i got back home i tell you "oh im sorry baby i lost control of myself cuz he was someone i cared for in the past" and expect you to automatically forgive me....thats so disrespectful in SO many ways christopher"

"I wouldnt have forgave you for it.....mir, im truly sorry for disrespecting you, humiliating you, and especially for making you feel unloved, i dont know what else to do to prove it to you, because i know you feel im not telling you the truth"

I didnt say a word to him, i just walked passed him and made my way to the living room

"Amir your not leavi-"

"IM NOT LEAVING, LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE.....shit i cant even go watch some damn t.v without you bitching bout me leaving"

Shittttt, as soon as he step 1 foot out the door im getting away from his crazy ass

"Amir what i tell you about that attitude"

"I wouldnt have attitude if you would just leave me alone""

I didnt have the time to keep arguing with mir, i was on a tight schedule today with booked studio time, meetings with my label, a photoshoot for XXL, and a couple other things i need to take care of

"I need to go get some things finished, i got some studio time around 10, 11 in the p.m, you want me to come pick you up?"

"No, ive got a busy schedule today too"

"Ya? Whats on your schedule that so happens to make you busy today"

"None of your business"

"Yes it is my business amir you're my girlfriend"

"I was"

"Huh? Whacthu say"

"You know what?........ i dont even know why the fuck im still here putting up with your bullshit,im leaving "

I got up and started my way upstairs to get my luggage, when all of a sudden chris grabs me by my arm very fucken tightly. He done lost his mind if he thinks hes gon lay a finger on me without me whooping his ass also.


He quickly picked me up and put me on his shoulder, i was trying my best to push my way off him. He started his way up the stairs towards the bedroom. He swung the door open letting it bang onto the wall, next thing i know he was throwing my ass onto the bed.

Why cant amir understand that shes not leaving me, she so hard headed.

I started trying to crawl off  the bed but he grapped my leg and dragged me towards him.

"Chris let go of me"

He had me pinned down, but i still kept trying to get out of his grip

"Amir listen to me..... you're not going anywhere"

I stopped trying to fight him off of me and just stared into his eyes, trying to find the chris i loved but the only thing i saw was his dark pupils staring into my soul. I didnt recognize this side of him.i didnt even recognize the tone of his voice.

"Chris stop you're scaring me"

I tried looking away but he would just make me look at him. This went on for at least a couple minutes. I still struggled to escape his grip, and he kept staring at me without saying a word.he was started to really freak me out, i started to panic.

" please stop.... you're scaring me christopher.... pleaseee"

Why would'nt he let me go, he's fucken lost his mind.


I started to panic even more when he spoke my name. I screamed for help hoping somebody would come


welp he shut my ass up real quick. I was already scared of the way he was acting, he just made it 10x worse.

"Chrisss get off of me pleaseee.... i-im begging you"

He gently kissed me on the forehead and got off of me.he held his hand out for me to grab, i hesitated, but i grabbed onto his hand. His sudden change of mood was strange.

"Amir im sorry, i didnt mean to scare you........ i just wanted to get one last look at you before you go"

He was letting me go?

"Christopher you scared the living shit out of me"

"I know, i didnt mean to do that i just lost control of myself"

I looked at my arms where chris had a tight grip on me. There was red bruising.

"Did i do that?"

I nodded. A wave of sadness came over him. He looked at me with so much hurt in his eyes.

"Im a fucken monster"

He got his car keys and stormed out the bedroom heading downstairs to the front door.of course i followed him telling him it was ok. He didnt mean to hurt me, i know he didnt.

"Chris stop your'e not a monster why would you say something like that. Everyone makes mistakes it's okay"

"It's not okay, i put my hands on you amir, I told you i wouldnt but i did. Im giving you another reason to get away from me amir. Im not safe to be around. Baby i want you to grow and conquer, i would be holding you back if i kept you hear with me."

"You're not holding me back. I want to grow with you chris, i want to be with you"

"Amir im no good for you.... i cheated on you, i layed my hands on you, and im afraid of what ill do next. I love you with all my heart but i want you to be happy with someone who can give you the world amir...... i cant do that"

"I dont want the fucken world chris i want you"

Wait what the fuck am i talking about, he just cheated on me yesterday.i hate how he always trys to turn the table and make himself the victim.this shit needs to mood completely changed as i realized this.chris got out the car to come and hug me but i took a step back.

"Why do you always do this chris?"

"What did i do now amir"

"You make me feel bad and make it seem like you're the victim. You just cheated on me yesterday."


He placed his hands on the side of my cheeks and kissed my forehead repeatedly

"Im sorry okay, im such a selfish peson and i know that, but i will do anything to keep you hear with me. I love you to much. I cant imagine my life without you. You're my bestfriend, my girlfriend, and my future wife. I know i fucked it up completely yesterday. And theres no excuse for what i did, just please dont leave me amir."

"UGHHHH.... you give me fucking headaches asswhole"

Chris is so annoying

"And who told you i wanted to get married anyways"

"I wanna marry you amir.i could marry you now, next month or in 10 years Amir i dont care ill wait for you"

"No, i dont wanna get married"

She doesnt wanna marry me?

Chris brown (The Teacher)Where stories live. Discover now