chapter.10 BestFriend

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I was still mad at chris but i was gon miss him, i was tryinn so hard not to tell him but i just blurted it out. As soon as he left i hit up one of my bestfriends Avery. (His pic on top) (BTW beez/Avery is amirs bi bestfriend )


Avery: Hey Hoe wassup

Amir: nothin just bored ass fuck, so How'z my main been, we havent talked in a looong ass time

Avery: Ya i know, when can i come visit yo crazy self

Amir: you can come right now, im not gonna be going to school this whole week

Avery: Y DAFUQ U FIGHTING.... Didnt yall barely start school dis week?

Amir: Hahah , i didnt fight i sprained my ankle

Avery: mhmm

Amir: but i dont live with my mumma no more

Avery: u got your own place?

Amir: actually i.... i live wit my boyfriend

Avery: damm betch , already dafuq...

Amir: im not preggers beez, its just that my momz kicked me nd my bruther out soo ya

Avery: ooh, u should of told me in da first place, but if u wazz i wouldve started packin my shiit nd move in with yall cuz i aint trust no niggas u go out with, ESPECIALLY if they got u pregnant.

Amir: I know... i aint getting pregnant anytime soon trust me.

Avery: better not cuz im gonna whoop u and ur mans ass

Amir: Shut yo gay ass up *starts laughing

Avery: i aint playin witcho ass Mir, i would fucken wait till u had ya kid and strangle you

Amir: ok wattevs but let me give u my address

Avery: aight boo

Amir: its 3319 diamond st. Remember when we would be go to the mall and pass those big ass houses

Avery: ya

Amir: thats where i live now.. u wrote all this shit down right?

Avery: hollup let me right it down

Amir: k

Avery: diamond st right

Amir: yes, nd the house number is 3319

Avery: ok betch im on my way, see u later boo

Amir: ok bye beez drive safe, no textin and drivin nigga

Avery: i aint stupid dumbass

Amir: beez i know you, but watevvs ill see u later

Avery: bye, luv ya

Amir: luv u 2, nd bring me sumtin to eat please

Avery: aight, ill bring u something

Amir: better be good im hungry

Avery: it will fat ass bye

Amir: Bye

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