New Home

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Me: "WTF CHRIS" i punch him in his arm

Chris: "Oww, dafuq was that for"

Me:" for scaring me asshole, u aint have to yell "i said getting out the car

Carlos: "Both of yall need too stfu, im just tryna go inside and go to sleep cuz a nigga tired "

Me: "well Then"

Chris whispers in my ear "Your little brother gots a big mouth".

Me: "yup, OH MY GOD" my mouth dropped

Chris: "what happened"

Me: "Your house"

Chris: "What about it" he looked at me confused

Me: "its... its HUGE"

Chris: "Well i am chris brown"

Me: "Cocky much"

Chris: "Hey, im just being honest"

We get our suitcases off the car, but chris insisted to take my suitcase inside i didnt bother to argue cuz the suitcase was heavy as a bitch, but i helped my brother cuz he brought too suitcases full of god knows what.Chris opened the door and welcomed us in

Chris: "Welcome Home"

Me: "Temporary home .... where just gonna let my mom cool off for a couple of days

Carlos:"What mom i dont got no mom"

Me: "Dont act stupid carlos"

Carlos:"MY MOM wouldnt have kicked us out"

Me:"she didnt kick US out she kicked ME out, you just decided to be a leach and tag along"i said getting angry

Carlos:" well im sorry i didnt want to leave my big sister all by herself not knowing where she would end up" he said walking away to go sit on the couch

I saw chris just staring at us, he didnt even no what to say .... he just stood there

Me: "Im sorry little man, im just very stressed right now cuz what if mom dont want us back at the house no more, what if she decides to abandon us and choose that nigga instead of us..... im just really scared carlos"

Carlos:" Mir, im sorry "

Carlos got up to give me a hug

Carlos:"its ok Mir were not alone, we have chris"

Chris: "yea, yall got me, i wont leave yall... i promise"

Chris walked up too us and hugged us

Chris: "yall can go around the house and pick out yall rooms"

Carlos: "Hell yea" he ran upstairs

Amir: "Can you show me around the house, i wanna know where everything is at "

Chris: "ya baby gurl"

Chris POV,

I showed her where the kitchen was , the backyard, the living room, the second living room, and then i took her upstairs and showed her, her room

Chris:" So this is your room"

Amir: " this room is so fucken big, like WOW"

Chris: "my room's across the hall just incase you need something alright baby gurl"

Amir: " ok, and chris"

Chris: " what up"

Amir:" Thanks, Thanks for letting me and my brother stay here"

Chris:" anything for you baby gurl, im gonna go get your suitecase from downstairs, ill be back"


When i came back upstairs and into Mirs room, she was sleeping already. I covered her up with a blanket and i put her suitcase in the corner. I kissed her on her forehead shut the door and went to see where los was at.

Chris:"LOS" i yelled

Carlos:" wassup man im over here"

Chris:" i was just checking on ya making sure you was ok"

Carlos:" im straight bro"

Chris:" aight cool, let me no if you need anything my room across the hall"

Carlos:"aight, by the way Thnkz for letting us stay here man... i appreciate it.

Chris:" No problem"

Carlos:" Oh by the way whats the wifi password cuz a nigga trynna txt his bitches"

Chris:" Bitches?, man how old are you 12, and u already got some Hoez" i said sitting on the bean bag chair

Carlos:" 12?, nigga im 14... im going to highschool next year of course i got bitches"

Chris:" oh i see now"

Carlos:"see what man"

Chris:" you think you bad just cuz you got some girls drooling over you, but all that shit gon be over when you start catching feelings for 1 of them trust me"

Carlos:" Nah, man i aint ever gone be catching feelings for one of them thots"

Chris:" alright bruh, im just sayin"

Carlos:" Ya i get you tho, oh nd that wifi password tho?

Chris:" Its BeBreezy1

Carlos:" aight i got it thanks man"

Chris:" oh nd 1 more thing los"

Carlos:" wassup"

Chris:" we cool nd shit but this still my house so you still have to show some respect round here, nd you aint bringin none of yo little hoez or homies in here"

Carlos:" aight i gotchu, i would feel the same"

Chris:" aight, we good"

Carlos:" we good bro"

It was barely 8:00 O'clock so im just gonna hit the showers up,

30 minutes later,

I hopped out the shower nd put on my boxers nd some gym shorts , i went to go get something to eat from downstairs, nd i noticed the T.V was on. It was just Los so i said wassup.i made myself some fries nd chicken nuggets and went back upstairs. I went to check on Mir to see if she was alright, but she wasnt in bed, i checked in her bathroom and she wasnt there either, i went back in my room to put the food down and saw her in my bed.

Hey guys, howz the story so far. Sorry i havent been updating everyday, but i promise ill start. Vote and comment letting me know how the stories going and if yall want me to add anything

Chris brown (The Teacher)Where stories live. Discover now