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Rikki gently propelled herself into the Moon Pool with her tail, the small motion sending her much farther than legs ever could. She surfaced first, Bella and Cleo's heads popping up just after.

" did it go?" Bella asked. Rikki had received a barrage of texts from her friends the night before asking how it went, but she'd been to busy to answer. She wanted to explain it in person, so she'd asked to meet up here before school.

"Welllll...." Rikki stretched it out, keeping her friends in suspense. "It was really good."

Cleo and Bella grinned. "What happened?" Cleo asked. They all got comfortable in the water.

"I went into the building and found this room called the "Red Room". All the rooms were named after colours, it was so weird. The red room is the make-up room. They did my hair and put on a ton of make-up, but the people were really nice. Then, get this, they put me in a two thousand dollar dress and took pictures! That was fun. Then I changed hair, make-up and clothes and they took head shots."

Cleo and Bella both looked really impressed. While she was going through the experience, Rikki didn't think it was all that glamorous, but when she told the story she realized how exotic it all sounded.

"Darren and the photographer liked the pictures, so they're sending them to people they know to see if I could do anything professionally. So now I guess I'm just waiting for them to call." Rikki shrugged.

"That's so cool." Bella breathed. "Do you think we could ever go to see you there?"

"Yeah! That would be fun. If it happens, which I'm still not sure it will." she replied and laughed, but she was actually really worried about the possibility. What if the whole photo shoot was for nothing? Her friends would be so disappointed. And Zane had been bragging around town that he was dating a model.

"You're gorgeous, Rikki, of course you'll get jobs." Cleo said seriously.

"Thanks." Rikki said awkwardly. She was never good at taking compliments. "Anyway, we better get to school..."

"You want to go to school? Never thought I'd see the day!" Bella joked.

"Ha ha." she replied. Cleo swam out of the cave and Rikki followed, her thoughts becoming a quick blur similar to how fast she swam through the ocean.


After a dreadfully boring day at school with everyone asking her questions about her shoot, Rikki headed to the café for her shift. She wasn't in the best mood.

Zane intercepted her the moment she pushed through the beads in the door.

"Hey, how did your headshot-thing go?" he asked, then didn't give her a chance to answer. Zane put his arm around her and steered her into the office. "Listen, I've been thinking, maybe when you get famous you could boost advertising for this place. Mention Rikki's in a few interviews, we could get more ads featuring you...what do you think?"

Rikki was sick of questions like this. "I'm not going to get famous, Zane! I told you already what my plan is, if you ever bothered to listen."

"You know I listen to you." Zane shrugged off her concerns with a roll of his eyes. "Is it wrong that I want to support my beautiful, successful girlfriend?"

Rikki also rolled her eyes and tried to push away her concerns about Zane. He always liked to exaggerate things, and he would forget about Rikki's modeling career as soon as it ended. Well, first it needed to begin...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2016 ⏰

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