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         I didn't want to be here. Not at all.

         College? This isn't for me! I should be doing what I want to do, living my dream. But once I told my parents that I wanted to sign up for X Factor, they immediately shut the idea down and shipped me off to Ireland, to be a music teacher. Because, "that's where it all starts."

  I rolled my eyes and hauled my luggage into my dorm. My roommate would be here any second.

I checked the paper that told me my schedule, and my roommate.

Neil Horan was his name. I sighed, he sounded like a nerd.

Suddenly the door clicked open and I saw a thing of flowers fall to the ground.  Then a guy walked in, obviously struggling with his luggage.

I wasn't always the one to help someone, that's not me, so I sat there in pure pleasure as his luggage fell once again.

He finally managed to get a grip on the bag and brought it over to his bed. 

Then he jumped up and got the thing of flowers and put it on his head. I've saw those before, what were they called. Oh. A flower crown.

"Hey! You struggled huh?" I chuckled. Suddenly tears formed at the edges of his eyes and he laid down face in the pillow.

I got down from my top bunk and pushed him so he was looking up. He trembled and that made him even more vulnerable. I pushed him down on the ground and heard his glasses crack from underneath him. The flower crown fell once again and he sat there on the floor. Knees to his chest.

  I don't think I could lie to you, he was beautiful. But I needed to make a point at this school, make people know me.

And going out with this nerd won't help me at all.

  Heyyyyy, what ya think for the first chapter??

1. Favorite song? :)

  Love you all! 😘😘

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