Chapter One

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       "Hey! Liam! Wait up!" I heard a voice say behind me. I whipped my head around and a panting Louis Tomlinson was running to catch up with me.

    "Hey Lou. Look at this!" I said angrily and shoved the marked paper in his face. 

   "An F! That sucks ass mate, I'm sorry," he said sincerely and I just huffed in response.

"Well you know who I didn't see today? Neil the nerd," he chuckled.

"Hmm. That's weird, he's at school every day. That's what makes it fun, bullying him," I said worriedly. "I'm about to go check in my dorm to see if he's there."

"You don't care, do you?"

"No of course not, I just want to get my daily bullying in," I covered up quickly. Inside I was so worried. It's now the second semester and I have grown stronger feelings for him, but I have to cover them up in front of Louis, because basically him and this other guy Harry, are my only friends. So I have to keep them my friends somehow.

I walked down the hall to our dorm room and opened the door pretty quickly. 

There was Niall, holding his wrist, passed out. With red blood covering his hands.

  Hey! I am so sorry about the wait! I was grounded and then school and other stories! That's a lot! And I know this was short and I'm so sorry but hopefully the next chapter will be a lot longer!

1. Should I do Niall's pov for next chapter?
2. Favorite Animal?

Also thank you so so so much for all the votes that I got! I know what you're probably hinking, "7 votes isn't a lot!" Well it is for me lol.

Love you all! 😘😘



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