Lies Have Been Told

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Pj let out a sigh as he started walking to school. He fixed the backpack that was on his right shoulder a bit so it wouldn't fall off. "Why do I have to drag all of these books with me every where I go..?" He mumbled to himself. "Dunno, you wanna pass don't ya?" Someone behind him said. Pj jumped in surprise at the sound and turned around to face where it came from.

Behind his was smiling Fresh. The small skeleton let out a chuckle and waved at the jock. "Hey, sorry for startling you." Fresh said, an amused smile still on his face. Pj just me out a small chuckle and patted Fresh on the shoulder. "Eh, its alright. And to answer you question, I don't really care if I pass or not." Pj said with a shrug.

Fresh rose a brow at pj's statement and let out a sigh as he began to speak. "Yeah ok, but you want a job, right..? You have to have atleast a highschool diploma to do anything in your life." Fresh said and Pj gave a small nod. "Well, I know. But... I.. I just think I can find another way to make a living..." Pj said as he turned his gaze to the ground.

Fresh shook his head slightly and put his arm on the others shoulder, causing the jock to glance to the small skeleton. "Hey, bringing your self down isn't going to help with anything. You have to graduate high school at the least.... And if not for your self... Do it for me.." Fresh said with a small smile. Pj was silent for a moment before he gave a nod and looked up ahead of themselves.

"Well, we should keep walking then.. Don't wanna be late." Pj said and a smile came to his face as they started to walk again. "Hey, ya think we can hang out after school?" Pj asked and fresh just shook his head. "I have to work sadly.. Tomorrow we can though. Unless something comes up, I will definitely hang with ya tomorrow." Fresh said, his smile faltering slightly. "Oh, right..." Pj said sadly then perked up slightly.

"Hey, can I visit ya at the skate shop? It sounds like a cool place." Pj said and the small skeleton shook his head again. "Can't, I have to do some delivering and there's no room for another passenger. Sorry.." Fresh said and looked slightly saddened. "Oh, its ok. I understand, don't worry." Pj quickly reassured the other.

Fresh gave a nod and smiled a little. "I might be able to hang out with you later tonight. Maybe have a sleepover at your house! If that's ok with you parents and your bro.." Fresh asked as he looked up at the jock. Pj smiled and nodded. "I'm sure she'll be fine with it, that sounds awesome!" Pj said and sounded a bit happier than before.

~~time skip till Lunch because the author is to lazy to write more of this conversation~~

Pj let out a sigh as he went to his locker. He opened it and rummaged through his backpack before he pulled out a little rectangular box that he knew all to well. "Hey, what's that..?" Pj heard a voice behind him say as he put the box away. He turned around and was slightly relieved to see Fresh standing there.

Pj then closed his locker as he thought of what to say. "Oh, uh.. Something for a friend.." He said and Fresh didn't seem to buy it. "Well, what is it..?" He asked again as he looked to Pj's pocket. "None of your concern..." Pj said and looked over to where the cafeteria was. "You ought to get going, you'll miss lunch. I gotta get this to my friend.."

Pj said as he shifted a bit. Fresh let out a sigh and reluctantly nodded. "Ok.. I'll see you in a bit then.." The smaller skeleton said and hesitantly left and went to go to the cafeteria. Pj let out a sigh and turned to the other direction. He hated to lie to the other, but he had to.. It would be better if he lied to him than if he found out.. Right..?

Sorry for the short chapter. Just a bit of writers block, but this should be fine. The story's starting to unfold now! Anyway, see you guys in the next chapter!

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