Sleep Over At Pj's Place

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The bell rang for the end of school. Pj smiled a bit and gathered up his stuff, he actually paid attention in math this time! He felt like he was finally getting his stuff together. After he got his stuff together and was heading out the door, his smile faltered slightly as he remembered that Fresh had to go to work today.

Once he got to his locker and put his stuff away, he kicked closed his door and and started to walk out when he suddenly felt someone small jump onto his back. Letting out a laugh, pj stopped walking and glanced at the person on his back. "Whaddya want hun?" He asked and Fresh let out a small giggle. "I want a kiss before I go to work." Fresh said simply and got off of Pj's back.

"Oh yeah! That's right." The jock said and leaned down to kiss the smaller skeleton on their skele-lips. "Ok, now I gotta go. Love you Paperjam!" Fresh said and waved to Pj as he walked off. Pj waved back and turned around to start walking again.

~time skip till about 6:34 PM~~

Fresh panted slightly as he reached his boyfriends house. He was now wearing a different outfit, it was mostly gray and black. He had ran to Pj's house to make sure that he got there before it got too late. He then knocked on the door as his breathing became normal again.

Ink answered the door and smiled down at Fresh. "Hey Fresh! Come on in." He said and moved out of the way for Fresh to walk in. Fresh went in and was immediately tackled into a hug. Fresh giggled as he looked at the jock who was now holding him close. "I missed you hun." Pj said and gave Fresh a kiss on his cheek. "Really, I've only been gone for a few hours..." Fresh said as he continued to smile.

"Well, he wouldn't stop talking about you! He always would trail off while talking about your looks and your personality." Error added in as he walked over to them. Pj blushed a bit in embarrassment and let go of fresh. Ink let out a chuckle as he left the other three alone and went to sit on the couch.

Error watched Ink leave with a smile and soon turned back to Fresh and Pj. "So.." Error said and leaned closer to the two as his voice went to a whisper. "Have you guys done 'it' yet~" Error teased and the two teens blushed heavily and shook their heads in unison. Error gave a small laugh and patted the two on the head. "Well, I won't rush anything. Take your time."

Error said casually and turned to leave, but paused for a moment. "Oh, son?" He asked and glanced back to look at Pj. "Yeah dad..?" Pj questioned as Fresh glanced between the two. "What's the most important thing in life..?" Error asked and it didn't take a second for Pj to reply with "winning. Winning is the most important thing in life." The jock said with a small, confident smile. Error smiled as well. "That's my boy. Ok, you two have fun." Error said and walked off to where Ink was.

Fresh was smiling up at Pj when the taller of the two looked down and rose a brow at the small skeleton. "What's with the smile..?" Pj asked and Fresh smiled even more. "Oh, I just think your smile's adorable. Anyway, what do you have to eat here..? I'm starving!" Fresh said as he went off to look for the kitchen. Pj blushed a bit and started walking to where the kitchen actually was. "This way hun." Hr called to the other and let out a small giggle as they saw the small skeleton make an 'o' shape with his mouth and walked over.

~~mini time skip to a couple hours after dinner because the Author is being lazy~~

Pj smiled at fresh as he noticed the other starting to fall asleep. Pj, fresh and Ink were on the couch as Error and Palette were already in their own beds. Ink looked over at the two younger skeletons, fresh was cuddling close to Pj and Pj was holding him as they watched whatever was on TV.

"So. I guess you guys are going to sleep in the same bed..?" He asked as he slightly gestured to the position they were in. Fresh already had his eyes closed and didn't bother answering the other as Pj just smiled and nodded. "Yeah, he let me sleep in his bed at his house, so I might as well return the favor.." Pj said and smiled a bit more at the small skeleton that was still holding onto him.

Ink seemed to smile even more as he gave a nod. "You guys do look cute together. I'm know Fresh is a great man for you... My son." Ink said and Pj blushed a bit as he turned his gaze from Fresh to Ink. "Wait, 'son'? Did you finally propose to dad!" Pj asked and Ink blushed darkly. "Oh, n-no... N-not yet. But I'm planning on doing it tomorrow when were on our date.." Ink said with a shy smile.

Pj seemed to smile a bit more. "That sounds really sweet. I'm happy for you guys." Pj said and looked down at the now sleeping Fresh. "I... I hope I can do that some day.. I hope he'll still love me in a few Yeats.. Or how ever long it'll take me to know I'm gonna make the right choice.." Pj said then let out a soft chuckle. "Heh, I over think to much.." He said and had a small, sad smile on his face.

Ink just gave a comforting smile and placed a hand on the others shoulder. "Look, son. You may not be book smart, but if anything. Your really street smart. So I know you'll make the right choice." Ink said. Pj seemed to brighten up at Ink's words and nodded. "Yeah, your right.. Well. Imma go to bed.. Love ya, dad." Pj said with a smile and picked Fresh up in bridal style as he started to head to his room.

Once he reached his room, Pj gently laid Fresh on the bed and sat down beside him. He took Fresh's glasses off and placed them on the nightstand and then laid down himself and held Fresh close to himself. "... I hope you'll still love me even if you find out what secrets I'm keeping from you... I'm.. I'm sorry for that, but its best you don't know..." Pj mumbled mostly to himself as he held the sleeping Fresh close to himself and started to drift off to sleep as well.

Ok, done with this chapter, see you guys in the next one!

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