The Party

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Pj looked over to the stairs from where he was sitting on the couch. "Fresh, are you done yet?" Pj called up to the other. "Yeah, I'm comin' down now." Fresh called back. Pj nodded to himself as he pulled out his phone to check the time. It was 7:52, Pj had planned to leave for the party around 8:00.

It wasn't long before fresh came down the stairs. "Ok.. How do I look?" Fresh asked with a slightly nervous smile. Pj stood up and looked at Fresh. Fresh was wearing a blue sweater with a dark gray stripe across the middle along with some jeans. He also wore a dark purple hat that was on back and to the side. The jock smiled and put an arm around Fresh. "You look great hun, now how about time? How do I look?" Pj asked as he stepped away from Fresh.

Pj himself was wearing a vest over a light purple shirt along with black pants. Fresh smiled up at the taller skeleton as he answered their question. "You look awesome. Anyway.... Are we gonna go now..? Or.." Fresh asked, letting the 'r' drag on for a few seconds. Pj took a quick glance at his phone and nodded.

~~time skip to when their at the party cause the walk was uneventful

Once fresh approached the house the party was being held at, he could hear loud music and could practically see the regret of going to this party. "Come on Fresh! This is gonna be fun!" Pj said, snapping Fresh out of his thoughts. Nodding, he cautiously followed after the jock. Upon entering the house, he could smell alcohol and the temperature seemed to drop, it was either Fresh's own feelings or it was that someone here messed with the AC... Fresh was going for a mix of both at this point.

Pj then grabbed Fresh's wrist and gently tugged him through the crowd of dancing people. Fresh got dragged over to the kitchen, and he found out where the toxic smell of alcohol was coming from. Pj let go of Fresh's hand and got a couple cans of beer. He then offered one to Fresh as he smiled a bit. "Here ya go." Pj said and fresh just stared at the can.

"Umm... Are.. Are you sure..?" Fresh asked as he slowly looked up at Pj. The jock let out a small chuckle and nodded. "Yes I'm sure, c'mon, it's good. Plus your at a party, enjoy yourself." Pj said, trying to convince Fresh to take the can of beer. Fresh looked back to the can and stared at it for a fee seconds before he slowly reached his hand out and took the can.

The jock smiled a bit more and opened up his own can and took a sip out of it. Fresh took a deep breath as he opened his can. He then slowly brought it up to his mouth and took a small sip. But barely even a second after he took a sip, he spit it out and coughed a few times. "Ugh, gross..." Fresh mumbled as pj chuckled a bit. "Aw, you'll get used to it, take another sip, little taste better." The taller skeleton said as he took another sip of his beer.

Fresh nodded and took another breath before taking another sip. He didn't cough this time and he had to admit that it did taste a little better. Smiling more, Pj gave a slight nod. "There ya go, now c'mon. Let's go see if we can find my friends, I want you to meet them properly." Pj said and grabbed Fresh's free hand as he was taking another sip and pulled him along.

Fresh just sighed and followed the other until they got to a small group, where Pj let go of Fresh's hand. "Heya guys! You remember Fresh?" Pj asked as he gestured to the small skeleton, who this time was taking a larger sip of his beer. The group, that consisted of Undyne, BP, and Skate girl. "Yeah I remember 'em. Didn't know the little dude drank though." Undyne said. Fresh looked up at Undyne from his can of beer and gave a small smile.

"Hey, and uh.. I-i don't.. I.. This is my first time drinkin' actually." Fresh said and giggled at his own words. He felt a bit more happy and thought hearing his own voice was funny at the moment. "Well. The little guy doesn't seem to have too much of an alcohol resistance. He looks a bit tipsy." BP commented as he took a drag of his cigarette.

"N-no! I havvee perfect alcohol resistance! Yooouuuuu don't know what your talking about!" Fresh said, his words had a bit of a slur to them, as he glared at BP. Pj chuckled and put a hand on Fresh's shoulder. "Ok hun, calm down. Hey. Why don't we go and dance or something, huh?" Pj suggested and fresh looked up at the jock with a smile. "Well how about you stop being so sexy, sexy~" Fresh  giggled out and gave Pj a quick kiss on his cheek. Pj blushed a bit as the group behind them gave a long "aww".

Pj rolled his eyes and shook his head slightly. "C'mon Fresh, lets go and dance for a bit, I wanna spend a bit of time with ya." Pj said with a smile and Fresh thought for a moment. "Hmm... Why don't we do something else though~ I know something really fun~" fresh said as his face started to heat up in a blush. Pj felt his own blush grow as he listened to the other. "Umm.. How about no.. Your drunk, I don't want you to do something you'll regret.."

Fresh pouted and took a long sip from his can. "Ok, in think that's enough for you.." Pj said as he reached his hand out to take Fresh's can of beer. Fresh gave a hiss and jumped back from Pj's hand. "C'mon, your getting pretty drink hun.." Pj said and Fresh narrowed his eyes. "Hey, I'm not as think as you drunk I am! I'm perfectly- whoa" fresh stumbled a bit and then giggled to himself. "Well that was, oh, hey! You know that I loooovvveeee you right?" Fresh said to Pj as he walked back over to the other. "Uhh.. Yeah... I do.." Pj spoke then sighed. "Look, Fresh, your gonna get hurt let me-" "aaannnnnddd I really really wanna see you with out your clothes on~" fresh cut Pj off. Pj blushed even more and shook his head slightly.

"F-fresh, no.. Not right now.. Come on. It was a bad idea bringing you here... Let's get you home.." Pj said to Fresh and the small skeleton let out a small groan. "Noooo, I don't wanna go to schooooolll" fresh complained. The jock just ignored it and picked Fresh up in bridal style. "Don't worry hun, we don't have school.. Ok?" Pj said and fresh just gave a not as he tossed his now empty can in a random direction.

The jock then carried Fresh out of the house and started to walk Fresh's home. Fresh seemed to have fallen asleep on the way back to his house, because he was asleep and holding on to Pj's shirt lightly. Pj smiled down at the sleeping figure in his arms as he opened Fresh's door with the key he found in the small skeleton pants pocket. Pj then carried Fresh up to his room and laid him on the bed.

Pj then sent a text to his parents to say that he was staying at Fresh's house and not to worry. Pj then crawled into bed after he put his phone away. Snuggling up to Fresh, pj let out a sigh and soon let sleep take over him.

Ok, chapter done. Also wanted to say something. Never take drugs or drink alcohol, no matter what. I only wrote this for the plot. Anyway, see you guys in the next chapter!

An Unlikely Pair (nerd!Fresh X Jock!Pj)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang