¡ My 16years old and my four broken hearts !

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"-you gotta stop telling me that you love me when I know it's absolutely not true

-I love ya , But I'm not good to show my feelings

- funny, you can show them when it comes to be for Justin

- don't waste your time , don't mix things ... We're talking about our relationship

-not anymore , it's over !

- These officially breaking up with me?

-yeah, and you officially broke my heart ...

To be honest , it's just  the fourth or fifth time I heard that ,
Not because I'm not good enough to have a relationship , but because on people mind you can't admire someone when you love someone, and you can't love someone who doesn't know you..
Usually I even tell time to compare with my old relationships... And Then, I just analyze Which of them was the worst ... "

We are coming back to my teen time :
My 16 years old ,
My long curly hair,
My posters in all my walls,
And my fucking heart Which can't love nobody unless you ...
Exactly , I'm belieber !
And Dreamer, ... maybe too much,
may be why the reality hurts so hard

And he's my fourth ex-boyfriend, my fourth relationship which doesn't worked... Again...
And honestly , I'm happier alone, with my phone, my headphones, my music, my idol , our Justin bieber ...
Yeah, maybe I can have a lot of things which are mine but there's one thing that I know it's impossible to have ;
We can't have someone , we just love in hoping that they will love us too
We can love each other, but we don't belong to anyone and anyone belongs to us, even we can feel like it's true, it's absolutely not !
But it doesn't make us stop loving ... That just make loving be so hard

Well, here I am , looking so stupid , staring at the sky ,
Oh this sky ... It always makes me feel free exactly when I need to be ...but in meantime ,He's running to his car, and I'm here staring at the sky , as I was talking with the sun ,even knowing he will never reply ...
But that doesn't matters because all I love , never replies me...
Even in Twitter, Instagram, unknown sites , nothing !!! he never replies ...
But I think I'm a little lucky cuz finally I'll go to one of his concerts !!

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