Crimson Illusion-Chapter 1-Power

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Chapter 1

“We spend our sleepless nights dreaming of what could have been.”

Rayne’s P.O.V.


I listened to the pianist as her hands glided over the piano keys creating a tune that suited the restaurant it was played in perfectly. After a while of playing alone, the pianist was joined by a violin player and together they had the whole room looking at them, enjoying the music.

I normally didn’t hang around in places that had live in classical music plays nor did I even listen to classical music, but sometimes it could capture my attention. The bad thing about classical music was that it made me think any time I listened to it.

It didn’t have me thinking about normal things and positive things, though I was never such a positive thinker after all. it made me think of the bad things I had to do in my life, of the cold monster I had become across the years and a load of depressing thoughts were then stuck in my head.

Usually I would give into the thoughts, just so I would have something to do and then, even though I couldn’t get drunk, I would open a bottle of hard liquor and try to drown my sorrows. The alcohol didn’t have a bigger function than leaving a burning taste in my mouth, but that was enough for me.

“Enjoying the music I see.” A perfect British accent announced the person I was waiting for before he slid into the seat in front of me.

He was wearing a perfectly tailored suit that fit his body like it was a mold. His hair was intentionally messy, now having a slightly darker shade than his normal light blonde. His golden eyes were covered with brown contact lenses to better hide in the crowd, though that wouldn’t help him in any way.

Everywhere he went, people knew him. Adrian Thorne was a person that struck fear into people just by the mention of his name.

Right now he didn’t look like someone I would associate myself with. He was too preppy and too good. He was a rich business mogul that owned at least ten companies and that swam in money every night.

In reality, Adrian Thorne was far from a goody goody two shoes. He did own ten companies and he did swim in money, but not all of that money was legally earned. The companies were mostly just fronts that brought in money and protected his reputation.

Adrian Thorne was actually Arkady Belousov and the only son of a Russian mob leader. He was leading the branch of the mob settled in America while his father was leading the one in Europe.

It was amazing how much appearances could fool people. Though in this case it was the demeanor that fooled most people.

At six foot six inches with more muscles that the average human, Arkady was not the kind of person you would put behind an office desk. But he made sure to blend in as much as possible and to cover up his operations he needed to take the helm of some of the world’s biggest companies.

“Still using the same accent I see.” I smirked and leaned back in my chair, trying to loosen my tie. This is why I hated suits. They made me feel uncomfortable and disgustingly caged. But I had to wear the suit because of the high class restaurant Arkady choose to meet me in. The bastard didn’t want to step foot into one of the usual dumps I collect my information in.

And I couldn’t just blow him off because I really did need his information. None of the slime bags I usually worked with couldn’t get the high level information that he could.

“Well, I can’t just go and change accents every day, wolf. People would become suspicious.” He muses, extracting his phone from his pocket and after a couple of quick presses to the touch screen, he brought it to his ear.

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