Crimson Illusion- Chapter 11- Well, we're fucked

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Alexander’s P.O.V.


A second didn’t pass from when Rayne sent me the mental message that I started running in his direction. The Generals didn’t even question me as they all started running beside me. Not willing to have them go unprepared, I sent them all a mental image of what Rayne had sent me and what I was still seeing through my wolf’s eyes.

In a matter of seconds I had three very, very pissed off Generals running full speed towards what would soon be a blood bath if something happened to Rayne.

When we neared the place Rayne and his team was, I could see Rayne standing casually, but ready for battle. I was relieved to see nothing happened to him with my own eyes. I scanned Keegan and Duke next, and when I was sure all three of them were okay, did I breathe normally again.

I stopped the run and then walked to stand next to Rayne, the General following suit. My eyes focused on the three men in front of us. The man in the middle was obviously Slick. The man on his right side was the Commander Rayne was after and the man on the left was the Commander we were after. I could clearly see that the man on the right was far more aggressive and ready for battle than Chace, the man on the right.

“It seems like they have us outnumbered.” Slick said with a lazy smirk.

“Looks so.” Chace said with an oh-so-innocent shrug.

And just like that, in a blink of an eye, they vanished. Gone. Poof.

“What the hell?” Rayne stepped closer to me, looking at the place the three men were standing just a few minutes ago.

“I think that we seriously need to send these pictures to Devlin. Like, A.S.A.P.” Duke said with a frown on his face.


“So the thing’s a witch?” Rayne asked, the phone in his hand. Devlin was on the other line and after we had gone back to the hotel, we all sent him the pictures we had taken. It didn’t take him more than ten minutes to sort the pictures out and call us.

“Yes, it’s a witch. An original one at that. My grandfather’s journal says that this sort of precision with drawing symbols can only be achieved with years of experience. For normal witches, that is. This original just used his magic to make the symbols. The bastard probably did it from the comforts of home as well.” Devlin growled.

“Great.” Keegan drawled, “How the fuck do we find him then? If he’s so powerful , shouldn’t he be able to hide himself? Or cloak himself like he did with the house?”

“Probably, but I don’t think he’d do that.” Devlin said.

“I’m afraid to ask, but I will anyways. Why?” Brock plopped in one of the chairs in the room.

“Because the witch is so powerful that he could probably handle anyone that came after him. Those that could take him aren’t interested in coming after him.” addressing the witch as male was something that fell in naturally with the guys, so I guessed he was male then. I learned a long time ago that it was best not to question what came naturally.

“Oh goody.” Rayne drawled.

“I ask again, how do we find him?” Keegan raised an eyebrow.

“Well, there’s a way. But you’re going to need a map of Siberia before we begin anything.” Devlin said.

“And how do you know he’s in Siberia? From what you told us he could be anywhere in the world and still do the spell.” Ruslan crossed his arms over his chest.

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