"Morning challenge"

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A/N: after watching 'One of the boys' I just had to make this. It was such a cool episode and I loved it when they gender swap. Lincoln looks sooooo cool as a girl! X3 hopefully I can remember all of their names like I've done with the sisters. Now please enjoy chapter 1 ^_^

The sunrise never really hits me in the eye to tell me to have a good morning. The window I have is above high and I never reach it unless I'm standing on something. That's why I'm lucky to have my alarm clock to wake me inside. Unless it's the sound of the ten headed beast roaming through the halls. Wonder who those ten headed beasts are? They're my brothers.
Being the only sister in the family feels completely weird when you have more than one or two brothers. After my parents had Loki and Loni, they kept on trying to get a girl. But even when they finally had me, they just kept going, and more boys appeared into our house. Hopefully Leon is the last baby brother I'll have. Of course being the only girl has great awards. I have my own bedroom, even if it is a small closet, and I'm the most cleanest out of the siblings. It could be the cliche saying that girls are much cleaner than boys, but that cliche is no lie. Sometimes I wonder how my brothers handle going through their smelly rooms or the bathroom.
Speaking of which, that was the challenge of the day: trying to survive the bathroom.
Like I said, boys can be very gross, and because they barley clean after themselves, I have a hard time  going in there without steeping in someone's poop or flush with toilet paper clogging the toilet. I sometimes wish I had a gas mask when I enter that evil room. Luckily growing up, I've gotten use to holding my breath until I was out. It kinda became a talent, unlike the last time when Luke made sure I didn't get out and I almost die with the shade of purple spreading through my cheeks. Sadly at that time, I had the breathe in the disgusting stench and escape the bathroom breathless. I vowed revenge on that loser.
The other challenge of going into the bathroom is to survive the crowded hallway. Believe it or not, my brothers are very loud and play in the hallway when they wake up. I don't see how mom and dad can still sleep through that. They would usually play hockey in the hall, or even soccer. Luckily I never got hit whenever I had to walk through. Except maybe twice.
I could hear the sounds of their rumbles, and the sound of bouncing. I had a feeling I knew what they would be playing today. I looked towards my stuff animal, Bun Bun, and sighed. I've had her since I was one and never got rid of her. "Wish me luck Bun Bun." I told her, even though I know she can't hear me. "I gotta try and survive this battle today."
I then stepped off from my bed and walked to my door to turn the knob. Once I open the door and saw the outside, there they were, all of my ten insane brothers. Seemed I was right. Today it was basketball they were playing. I know not all of them play though. I saw Levi enter out of his room with a beaker of chemicals, and a worried look. I immediately shut my door until the explosive was released. Once it calmed back to the sound of basketball, I heard Levi shout, "It's safe! I forgot another drop of the anti-chemical!"
I sighed and open the door again watching Levi walk back into the room. I turned my attention towards the two twins, Leif and Lexx. As always it was a fight between those two. I use to find it entertaining when I was small. Now it's just an everyday life. They rolled on the floor pulling each other's hair and biting one of their arms. "It's my dollar Leif! Give me it!" Shouted Lexx as he reached for the dollar Leif held up.
"I found it first!" Leif said.  Then he began to curl up one of his spit balls and shot at his target under him.
I wasn't in need to see it, so I continued my path towards the bathroom.
I was passing where the stairs were when I heard someone shout, "Duck Linka!"
Immediately I responded and ducked my head down. It was then I saw the orange ball in front of me rolling after a bounce. I stood up and grabbed the ball, handing it over to the one brother I know who does this every morning.
"Thanks sis." He responded with his grin of receiving his ball.
"Just watch where you're throwing that Lynn." I told him, annoyed of this routine.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, last one to the bathroom gets to clean it!" He then began his so-called fun race towards the bathroom.
I didn't want to clean that horrible place, so I ran too. It wasn't easy of course. I hated I had to ignore another one of Lars' poems, but I refuse to lose to the bathroom. I had to try and make it through Loki and Loni's little basketball battle that was in front of the bathroom, and it was probably the hardest. Luckily in time, I only slide underneath their legs to continue my race with Lynn.
It then I saw Luke and Lane entered out of their bedroom for their own entertainment. Lynn was already close to the bathroom, and I can't be distracted. So sadly I had to ignore their jokes or rock in roll. Finally our race was about to end,but Lynn still was ahead.
I was gonna regret it.
I jumped into the air, making a good landing onto Lynn's head, stopping him from anymore running. I then leaped off his head and pushed the door open finally reaching into the bathroom. Of course I hit my head against the sink and landed onto the disgusting dirty floor, but at least I won't  be cleaning it.
I then stood up and said with pride to Lynn, "Ha! I made it first! Now you're gonna have to clean once I'm.." I stop as the stench reached into my nose. Boy was it worse than before. I then covered my mouth and nose to block it.
But even if I did seem to win, I was in trouble. Reason I know what because of that grin Lynn had upon his face.
He then grabbed the doorknob and said, "If you like it so much, then you'll be happy here sis!" It was then he shut the door locking me in.
I gasped and ran to the door knocking hard. "Lynn open the door now!" I shouted as I heard him laughing and mocking me. "This bathroom is disgusting! Let me out!"
"I thought you would be happy in there little sis!" Lynn mocked through the door, letting my temper grow as I kept banging my fists onto the door.
It was then I was save.
"Lynn! You let your sister out of that bathroom this instant!"
It was all thanks to my mother.
He finally opened the door letting me free. I stepped out immediately to run to my mom to hide behind her.
Lynn scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Such a baby." I heard him mumble.
Right when I was about to shout again, mom stepped closer to spot the bathroom more up close. It was then when she covered her nose I realize she was serious. "Oh my gosh! That is disgusting kids!" She yelled.
Lynn then pointed his finger towards me suddenly. "She did it!"
I stuttered a moment and spoke at last. "Me?! You and the others are the ones that started it you jerk!"
"Oh yeah right! Who was in there last then Linka?"
"Oh don't pull that-"
"Enough!" Shouted mom ending out arguing. She then pulled her arms to her mouth to make a louder sound and shouted, "Family meeting, now!"
Oh no.
Whenever it was a family meeting, it wasn't good. Family meeting with mom and dad and never a good thing, and something told me it had to do with the bathroom or our bickering.
She stepped down the stairs along with Lynn following her. He pulled out his fist and shake it showing he was pretty mad at me.
It wasn't the first time Lynn was mad at me. We've been through many arguments then half of my other brothers. Though I get the feeling because of the family meeting, they might not be the happy bunch.
I then took a deep breath and stepped down towards the stairs to find all of my brothers in the living room with mom and dad.
No one really looked happy. More likely to be a bit nervous...

To be continued...

The Loud House: Life with ten brothers and one sisterМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя