"Everyone does their part.."

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I really didn't like how I yelled and threaten to tattle on my brothers. I vowed not to do something like that unless it was serious. Sure this didn't seemed so serious, but I refuse to do this bathroom on my own. They made a lot worse than what I could have done to it.
I figured since we were all gonna work together on this, I figured we start with the sink. It's less clogging than the toilet was, and I believe we should start with that last.
I took a peek inside of the sink. I felt the sickness reach my stomach when I saw that small little ball of hair right inside the hole. There also toothpaste everywhere leaving it open, and I couldn't even find the tooth brushes really anywhere. So much for brushing my own teeth.
"Alright," I said to my brothers as I continue to stare at the filthy sink. "The sink could use a bit of fixing magic, so Lane, go get the Windex spray, and Loni go get some paper towels. We're also gonna need some gloves, so Levi do you have any left over."
I waited for a response of them following my order, but nothing happened. I then turned around and saw everyone only was goofing around. Loki was on his phone texting his girlfriend, Leif and Lexx were fighting the tub- gross - , and Luke was playing on his guitar once again. I sighed as barley anyone was paying any attention to me at this point. I didn't want to pull the tattle tale string again on them.
It then I noticed that Loni wasn't in the room, nor was Lane. So then I put my attention on Lars and asked, "Hey where are Loni and Lane?"
"They went to get your requests." He responded in his dark voice as he was writing. Something told me it was another poem again. "Want to hear my new poem Linka?"
Knew it.
"I'd love to, but as you can see-"
"Filth, you are the case of mine, filth, the smell here is divine, filth, you are every boy's dream, filth, it's sadly better to remain clean." (Sorry, I can't rhyme for crap! 😂)
That was a very interesting poem in my opinion. I just don't see how the smell in here is 'divine'.
"Hey Linka!" I heard Loni's voice appear along with Lane's. It was then the two ran towards me with supplies and smiles. I was super glad it got me to be distracted from Lars' poem at least. "I got you some paper towels."
I looked at the roll of paper Loni was about to hand me, and it wasn't seemed to be paper towels. Paper towels are long, not short and soft for the matter. "Loni that's toilet paper." I said.
Loni then looked a bit puzzled, and took another look at the object he held. He then realized his mistake. "Dang it."
Even though it wasn't what I needed, at least he tried. That's why Loni isn't one of my worst brothers.
So then Lane walked to me with the spray and said, "Here you go Linka. I hope this will give you a spray for words. Ha ha ha! Get it?" (Btw I suck at making these types of jokes so forgive me if they're terrible 😆😆)
I sighed and only took the spray bottle giving him my thanks. Eventually Loni did give me some actual paper towels, but now he's concerning what the difference is between the toilet paper and paper towels, and of course, it was annoying.
I looked down at the sink and felt that nasty stench reach into my nose. I know I can't do it on my own, and that we should all worked together. I then looked towards the oldest and walked to him with the supplies. "Hey Loki." I said. "Would you mind taking over in cleaning the sink, while I figure out how to start off with the tub?"
Loki looked at me as he continued to hold his phone, his eyes looked in the shade of annoyance at me. It kinda felt awkward. Eventually he rolled his eyes and said, "Whatever." Then he put his phone in his pocket, took the supplies from my hands, and went to the sink.
I thanked him as he made his way to it, and head my way to the tub. I wish I could have gotten gloves for Loki, but if only Levi could have listen to my instructions.
It wasn't easy getting Leif and Lexx out, but I manage their little wrestling. Once I got a chance to check the inside, I felt more disgusted than what the sink had. Another ball of hair remained inside the hole, and little specks of leg hair was everywhere in the tub. I could have sworn I saw a pile of poop in the corner of the tub. Gross! Not only that, the curtains and walls were covered with some sort of stain upon them, and it was green. That was not a good sign.
I began to think of the things we would need to clean this. Obviously a spray bottle wouldn't fix this. My main goal was getting that pile of poop out and the ball of hair free. Though I do not feel the need to touch it with my own hands.
Suddenly, I was poked. I didn't assumed it was Lexx trying to pick on me, but when I turned my head, I saw Levi trying to hand me a box of some sort. "Sorry your request took a while." He said. "I had a bit of an issue in the chemicals of my cholesterol acids and the hypothetical objects in need of an malfunction into the system."
I stared at him completely confused at the big words he just used. "Uhh... Average C please Levi." I reminded him.
He sighed and responded, "My science lab almost went boom."
He then handed me the box after I thanked him, only to show it was gloves I had requested. I handed a pair to Loki so it could be less gross for him, and put some on for myself. I then turned my attention back into the tub and return to that pile of poop.
I turned around, and saw Leif trying to lick the floors. I didn't bother to question him on that. "Hey Leif." I said catching his attention. "Would you mind putting on a pair of gloves and pick up that pile of poop that's in the tub?"
I only hoped he wouldn't make a joke on something gross. "Why would I need gloves? I just my hands."
Okay, now that was gross.
But I allowed him to do as he plead. I watched him jumped into the tub and place his bare hands around the disgusting pile. I felt myself almost wanting to throw up, so I had to look away.
"Thanks Leif." I said with a gag reaching in my throat.
He then left the tub with the pile and said, "No problem sis."
Sometimes, I can't ever understand boys.
I looked back at the tub and was relieved of the missing poop. But then my attention came to the hair ball in the hole. I had gloves so this didn't seem as a problem. I reached in for it and began to pull. Unfortunately it seemed to have been caught inside of the hole somewhere, for it wouldn't come off. Because it was a bit strong, I fell forward inside the tub.
Immediately I jumped out as fast as I could, repeating each 'ew' that escaped from my mouth, and wiped the little hair off of me. Disgusting!
I almost wanted to shout, but I kept it together.
I had a feeling I might need one of those butter knives in order to get it out.
"Hey Linka! Heads up!" Said he sound of Lynn's voice.
Immediately I did as he said and ducked, only to find once I was up, was there seemed to be a football in the tub. I shocked my head and pulled the ball out of the tub, and turned my attention back to Lynn. He tried to reach from the ball in my hands, but I had to pull away.
"Hey, what gives?" He said.
"Lynn we have no time for playing. Time to clean. Now why don't you..." I stopped and trailed off as I noticed how Lynn mocked me, my every word I spoke of. I gave him a glare, making him become silent a still. I sighed and continued. "As I was saying, why don't you go get me a butter knife? Apparently there's-"
"Later!" Then he ran out of the bathroom.
I guess he wanted to find some way out of the bathroom for a few minutes. I don't blame them though. It smelled in here.
That's when I realized, that it was time to look in perhaps one of the worst places of the smelly bathroom: the toilet.
I looked inside of the toilet, and found something inside. Unfortunately I'm not gonna repeat. It's too sickening to say it.
I tried to think of what we can use for this one. One thing is for certain, the spray is what we need, but it can wait. I probably need the clogged first, but I can't clog this. I'm not strong.
That's when I put my attention towards Luke, who continued to rock on his guitar. I knew if I tried to shout or something, he wouldn't hear me. So I had to pull the plug.
He looked confused when he realized his guitar wasn't making any noise. When he looked at me with the plug in my hands, he said furious, "Hey! I was in the middle of a jam sis!"
"And you should have been helping us out Luke!" I said dropping the plug. "Now come and help me clog the toilet, or else I'll tell."
He was about to yell at me again, but then hold his tongue as I mention mom again. I hated to pull that string, but at least it got him to listen. So then we walked to the toilet and looked inside. Luke didn't look very surprise by what he was seeing.
"Think you can clog it out?" I asked him.
"I think so sis. Give me the plunger of doom."
I did as he asked and watched him make his way through the toilet with the plunger. It was nice to see him at least helping out with the biggest problem of all.
I then looked towards where the air conditioner was, and was shock to see this become of one of my brothers. "Lexx! What are you doing?" I said as I watched him.
"What? I'm only licking the air conditioner so it can be clean." He responded with his tongue hanging down. "Leif was right, it tastes good."
Okay, I really wanted to scream and run in terror, but I do not want my mother to think I'm bailing out. I sighed and said, "Well will you at least clean your tongue once you're done?"
"No way. This is too yummy." He then continued to lick away.
Well my day didn't really feel any better than before.
I then caught my attention to Lynn as he returned with the knives, though I only asked for one. I thanked him for doing as said and began to try and slice out the little ball of hair. It still seemed impossible for the hair was still stuck.
"Aw come on!" I told it. "Get out of there."
"You're doing it wrong."
I turned my attention back to Lynn, puzzled. He then grabbed the knives and looked into the drain hole. "If you wanna get it out sis," he said to me. "You gotta actually get it and use your muscles." So then he jumped into the tub and began to scoop.
I didn't mind if he would take over. I did not want to get in that thing. "Uh, Lynn, would you mind-"
"Already on it." He responded barely looking up at me.
I smiled, kinda glad he was the closest older brother I had. I swear he's psychic sometimes. He does that a lot, knowing what I'm thinking.
I then turned my attention to the pile of dirty clothes on the floor. Just looking at the flies surrounding the clothes was disgusting. I would pick them up, but I get the feeling there might be something alive in there. Then I figured one of my brothers wouldn't mind helping with this.
I turned to Loni, but felt it wouldn't be smart suggesting him since he's still a bit lost over the whole difference with toilet paper. Plus, I believe he's helping Loki with the sink. I then turned to Lars, to spot him stepping inside the tub with a cloth. He's probably helping Lynn out. I then had a guess to check Levi as he was doing nothing but watch Luke continue clogging the toilet.
He looked up from his notes he took and had his attention towards me. I wave, asking him to come my way. As he stood up and did as he was told, he looked up at me and asked, "Yes?"
"I'm gonna was down to the basement to get a basket." I spoke, then pointed to the pile of stinky clothes. "Would you mind piling the dirty clothes right there until I get back?"
Levi nodded in agreement, and walked to the clothes. It was to have him as a brother sometimes because he doesn't argue much either.
So then I stepped out of the bathroom, making my way down the stairs to find the basement. Luckily on the washer there was a free basket. In a family as big as mine, baskets were always filled with some kind of pile of clothing or something, and being the only girl, I kinda learn to laundry faster than my brothers. Though mom has intended me to do it eventually to teach Loni or Loki.
I felt kinda lucky that they were behaving and were actually helping out. Somehow I felt it wasn't gonna last.
And I was right when I heard a big this above where I stood in the basement, and that came from the bathroom.

To be continued...

A/N: I apologize for such a long wait. Idk when I'll be able to update next time. I could be doing another YouTube vid for all I know. Anyway, I apologize if this isn't much. Being distracted is just hell lol I hope you guys like the chapter and art I did above. Hopefully I'll be back with another chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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