Chapter 3

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A/N: Hey guys, I apologize for all the wrong grammars in my story but I am grateful that you are still reading my first ever story.

Hehe. Sorry for being talkative.

Enjoy! And also, they are changes in the characters so Please read the chapter 2. Thnk u!

Aviona's POV

"Bye guys!" I ran out of the house and went straight to school. I don't know what's causing me the rush but I know this is gonna be a great night. Of course, it is all because of yhe handsome Jason... oh wait was it, Jake? No.. maybe Jackson? 

I was invited to a freshman's party. And I am heading right over there now. Of course, Jason.. was it really his name? I dont know. The reason why I am going. I don't really go to parties. They Aren't my thing. I am more of a inside and a nature explorer person. Idk, but I find parties really dangerous. Someone always getsharm and they become wasted and then crime scene of rape. Idk.

Maybe it's all just in my head. I've been watching IZombie too much. let's worry about my get-up.

I tried to look my best and this is what I came up with. A floral spaghetti strap and some ripped jeans with white converse shoes. With my hair tied up. Liking it.. but is this all the effort I can make?

I don't really know if it's worth it.

This is actually the first time to look really good for a random guy. There is something that makes me really want to connect with him. I found him really attracted. With that face and body todie for. Huh? Who wouldn't fall for him? But I just hope he would catch me..

What am I even thinking? It's so immature of me. I'm always been the kind of person that always agree to other people's choices. But now.. I am making my own decision to someone that..I don't know, will like me?

I don't know. But I will find out later. By my sisters. They know the best, they headed out first.

Makalipas ng ilang minuto..

"I think I'm stranded..." nilibot ko ang aking mga mata sa isang road..

"Yep, I am stranded." I can tell by those unfamiliar trees. Masasabi ko na unting magubat ang aming school, pero these trees are different. I can tell by these flowers too. But damn.. this place is really great.

I walked a deep closer into the forest.. and spotted an old bench. It looks like it's made of oak. I sat there. I have to admit. It is really old. I can feel it collapsing a little bit. But it wont fall down.

"Ano ito?... miracle bench?" I laughed at that thought.

Chineck ko ang oras. Wow.. it's 6 o' clock in the evening.

I feel like there's no hope for me getting there. Sayang naman ang effort ko para sa suot kong ito.

Tumayo ako at napagdesisyonang lumibot. Kahit kaunti lang. Pampalipas oras, di bale the party naman is gonna last for a whole night. So I have plenty of time.

Dumaan ako sa isang pathway patungo sa maliwanag na lugar.
Medyo creepy ang lugar kaya hindi ko masyadong kaya magstay dito ng matagal.

Tumakbo nalang ako.

"Huwaaa!!" Yes I did screamed. Yes, ganoon rin ako kadrama.

Noong bata kasi ako,while Im exploring the wilderness, I loveto imagine things. It became a part of my life. Sometimes I would imagine that I am followed by monsters and I would run like a ninja. I actually wanna become a ninjaone day, but my sisters said that they weren't real. So dreams were destroyed. But still I never gave up with my imaginations. Because sometimes it turns out to be...

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