Ch One : Had Enough

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   While Vegeta and Mirai Trunks trained in the hyperbolic time chamber, preparing for the carnage that was Cell, a very distraught group of Z Fighters sat atop the lookout tower in a loose circle, discussing the destruction to-be. But aside from Goku and Gohan, the entire group was boiling in their respective skins with anger and frustration. The two Saiyans of the Son family had overlooked that detail though, attributing the mood change to the impending doom that loomed on the horizon.

   Yamcha was the one to first voice what every full blooded human there had been thinking since the day Trunks first showed up.

"I can't take this anymore!", shouted the bandit in frustration, gaining the attention of everybody on the lookout. "Ever since Goku's brother showed up, we have been about as useful as sandpaper on a roll of toilet paper, and I'm sick of it!"

"I feel the same exact way," said Krillin, "but there's nothing we can really do about it." The last half of his sentence was said dejectedly.

"Besides," Goku chimed in, "you guys have been plenty of help. There are many times that we couldn't have succeeded without your guys' help, and this time won't be any different.", he finished, giving a warm smile to his friends.

"But that's exactly what I'm talking about!" Yamcha exclaimed. Confused, Goku replied "I don't understand?" Yamcha continued, "We have barely escaped by our teeth every single time! I don't know about you," said the scar faced bandit, "but I, for one, don't like having to rely on ShenLong to correct our mistakes. We should be using his powers to help us get stronger, that way we won't have any mistakes or problems in the first place!"

"But Yamcha, ShenLong can only grant as much power as the one who made him. And I'm pretty sure Dende doesn't stand a chance against these monsters- no offense." responded Goku.

"What's more," chimed Tien "there's no way we could ever hope to keep up with these guys. I mean I want to as much as the next guy, but let's get real here."

   Then he thought about what he just said and growled while his clenched fists shook with anger. "I.. grr, I don't believe that!" he shouted. "Between the dragon balls, the sensu beans and the hyperbolic time chamber, there has got to be way to catch up! And we don't need to beat these guys, they're our friends. We just need to get stronger so we can be more than just stepping stones, obstacles, to buy time!"

"That's the spirit, Tien!" Said Goku. "That mind set is exactly why I've trained nearly every day my entire life."

"Still, though. Even with all of this extra help, I don't see any way to gain any more strength. Humans aren't like Saiyans: we have physical limitations, even at our peak. To exert as much energy as one of them would pulverize your skeleton upon flexing your muscles." Came Krillin.

"Well i don't care what anybody says, I'm not going to give up until I have achieved a new peaking sum of power." Tien replied assuredly, finishing his role in the conversation.

Piccolo then joined the conversation, astonishing and captivating the entire group. "There may very well be a way this is possible..."

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