Ch. Five : Wow... Really?

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They immediately thumbed thru the information that Parunga had given them once inside the chamber. Much to their dismay, all besides Piccolo that is, the entire manual was practically written in an alien language. Each teaching was so sophisticated that it would take at least a year's time just to break the surface.

However upon studying them more thoroughly, they realized that most of the "magics" listed were in fact techniques that require a constant flow of ki to perform. Nevertheless, they would not be easy to learn, especially since their only teacher was the complex text of the book.

They were left with a few options regarding what they we're going to do, which they discussed among themselves. They would either each choose a particular "lesson course" on the technique of their choice, and pursue said technique alone during the duration of their time. Alternately, they could collectively choose one teaching and, as a group, would study the teaching and practice it until someone succeeded and could help teach the others.

Deciding that the latter made more sense the warriors of earth skimmed thru the book, tearing out each lesson that would satisfy their needs, as well as sounded somewhat achievable. The book itself was rather bulky when held, and despite that each lesson was massive, it held a vast array of techniques for them to pursue.

It seemed as if Parunga had used his magic to increase the yield of the book, which read 'Tome of Techniques' on its face. After sifting thru the contents and completing a list of choices, they further refined them until, finally, only 3 techniques remained for them to vote on.

The first involved meditating extensively before and after extremely long and brutal "battles", which would be replaced by sparring matches in this case. The point is to avoid sleep altogether while simoltaneously gaining strength from the fighting. The book teaches that after a certain point of exhaustion that the body and mind will meld into a single, perfectly tuned instrument. This gives the user a much more profound understanding of the dynamics and physics involved with their movements, thus granting the user knowledge on how to achieve greater levels of speed and strength, as well as gaining knowledge of vital spots and how to properly hit them.

The second lesson was of a technique where an individual learns to not just control there ki, but harness it to the point of mastery. This gives the user profound, unparalleled knowledge and insight into the relationship between their own ki and their bodies. That provides crucial information on how to generate more of it, as well as a number of other awesome bonus'. The main objective here is to increase the amount of damage and pain a person can sustain without dying.

Their final candidate was of a technique that was similar to the first choice, but differs slightly and yields radically different results. Outside of eating, drinking, showering and relieving yourself, you must perform no physical activities whatsoever, but it involves rigorous meditation in its place. The benefits of such "training" come in a completely profound, unbelievable, unprecedented way.

After extensive practice of meditation (including all of the energy visualization techniques, etc), one can copy their mind and consciousness into an "ethereal being", which exists on a plane (or dimension) that we mortals call the "spirit realm". This process is openly known by and referred to as "astral projection" or "astral projecting". This astral realm - or plane of existence - leads to farther, still deeper dimensions; no mortal truly knows the extent of their depths, being dubbed "the abyss".

But if one maintains within the lower astral planes and gains a strength/power boost in any way, upon returning to their physical vessel they will only retain the boost to their ki. This is governed by the fact that it's only your consciousness and spirit that are present when doing said fighting - not your physical person. Therefore you retain only that which could be earned by the entity present (ki),remaining the exact same in every way, physically speaking. Furthermore, when in the lower astral, time is experienced at 1/3 the normal rate. That is to say, one day in the physical is three days in the astral.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2016 ⏰

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