~Chapter 1~

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*NOTE: The picture above is Danielle, in case you couldn't tell.
*NOTE: This is my first story, please tell me anything that is wrong (grammar, spelling) so that I may fix it. Also, suggestions are highly encouraged. (Even the best of us get writers block.) And bold letters mark a new paragraph. I wanted to be different. Please enjoy the story and thanks for reading!! :D
"Hush," I whisper to Ringo, who won't stop talking. "But this movie is so boring," he tells me while trying to look innocent. I ruffle his hair, kiss him on the cheek, and turn off the television. As I move to try to get off the bed, he gently grabs my wrist. "Where are you going?" I turn to look back at him and see that he looks worried. He probably thinks I'm upset. Ever since the incident, he is always worried about me. "Just going to get some water," I smile at him reassuringly. He seems okay with this answer and closes his eyes.

In the kitchen, I grab a glass and start filling it with water. Ringo and I are to be married in June, only two months from now. We are taking such a huge leap in our relationship, even though we've only been dating for about a year and a half. The cool water pools over my hand and scares me, causing the glass to fall from my grasp and shatter on the floor. Ringo comes running from the bedroom. Panting a little, he asks me what happened. I tell him that I was just thinking and got distracted. He wraps me up in a tight hug, sighing in relief. "I love you," he whispers into my hair, almost inaudible, like he didn't mean for me to hear. After we parted from the hug, and Ringo helped me clean up the glass, we went to bed. As I lay there, trying to sleep, I kept thinking of life, our lives together, until I was finally exhausted enough to sleep.

Before he moved in with me, Ringo lived with his mom and didn't have a job or even a car. But since he proposed, he's shaped up. We both work full-time jobs and, luckily, our schedules match up pretty well. We have every weekend to ourselves, free to do whatever we want. We usually hang out around the apartment but sometimes we go see a movie or go out to dinner. I am happy with that. I am happy with him. Right?

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