~Chapter 3~

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*NOTE: The above picture is Dallas.*
Beep. Beep. Beep. My alarm wakes me at 8:30 am. I have to, almost literally, drag myself out of bed. When I walk into the bathroom, I notice my reflection and jump a little. I look like a complete wreck, like I haven't gotten any sleep for at least a week. My hair is tangled and looks like a tumbleweed decided to make a home on my head. "Not today," I tell my hair. As I'm trying to brush it out, Ringo walks in and hugs me from behind. "Good morning, beautiful," he says into my neck. "Stop lying to me." He doesn't even hesitate when he says "you always look beautiful to me." I think my heart just jumped out of my chest. I kiss him on the cheek and continue to attempt to get my hair to settle down. Ringo leaves to make breakfast, I assume, because I start to smell bacon frying. I pull my hair into a high pony-tail and brush my teeth.

Upon leaving the bathroom, I see Ringo dancing around the kitchen to music that I cannot hear. He is so occupied with his "moves" that I am able to walk right into the kitchen without him noticing. Once he notices me, he jumps and immediately stops dancing. "Why did you stop? I like to see you have fun!" He smiles at me and continues dancing to the unknown song. I wonder what goes on in his head?

Once breakfast is finished and we clean all the dishes up, I go into the kitchen to see what I should put on the grocery list. After putting everything we need on the list, I get dressed and grab my keys. As I go to kiss Ringo before I leave, I notice that he is giving me the worried look that I have grown used to. "I'll be safe, I promise." He looks slightly less worried and then kisses me and tells me to drive safe.

After five minutes of driving, I pull into the parking lot of the store. I get out of the car, making sure I have my list and money. As I'm trying to decide what cereal I want, I feel someone staring at me. I turn around to see who it is and see that it is a man. He is tall and very handsome. He keeps staring at me, like he's trying to stare into my soul. I turn around and, feeling a little uncomfortable, quickly pick a random cereal and hurry down the aisle. As I go to turn the corner, I bump into someone. "Omg I'm-," I try to say before I realize who it is. It's the man.

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