~Chapter 2~

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*NOTE: This picture is of Ringo. And thanks again for reading!*
"Danielle," I hear a voice whisper into my mind. I open my eyes and see a shadowy figure, facing the T. V. I shut my eyes again, hoping it's a dream. I feel someone touch my cheek, ever so gently. "Danielle," he says again. I open my eyes and see that it's a man, a man I've never seen before. "Wake up, darling," he says and smiles at me.

My eyes shoot open and I look at the clock; it's four in the morning. I don't know why I feel so shaken up about this dream, but I do. It felt so real, like it wasn't really a dream. Ringo's head is on my stomach but I need to get up to splash some water on my face. I decide to try to move him. Luckily, he stirs a little but doesn't wake up. I don't need him worrying about me this early in the morning.

When I reach the bathroom, I flip on the light switch and see a folded piece of paper. I assume it's from Ringo, so I open it. Only to find that it wasn't from him, it was from someone else. "Be careful, darling, I'm watching," I read to myself. It sends chills down my spine and I tear up the note and throw it in the trash. I splash water on my face and leave the bathroom.

Returning to bed, I notice Ringo is awake, but it seems as though he is lost in thought, like he's worried about something. I walk back to the bed and slip back under our black and white striped comforter. "What happened," he asks me with a shaky voice. He turns to look at me and he looks so haunted. I tell him that I had to use the bathroom and he absently nods. "Now tell me what happened to you, Ringo." "Nothing." I grab his arm and try to pull him towards me. He moved closer to me and put his head on my thighs. "I had a nightmare, one that I really don't want to think about right now, I'll tell you in the morning," he says, crying. I just stroke his hair and after about five minutes, he's asleep again.

My alarm wakes me at seven in the morning. I stretch and realize Ringo isn't with me. As I'm thinking this, he walks in, looking exhausted. All the memories from the last couple of hours comes crashing back down on me. He sits next to me and pulls me into his lap, puts his head on my shoulder, and sighs gently. "I really don't want to talk about this nightmare, but I don't want you to worry about me," he tells me with another sigh. I worry about what he's going to say. "He took you from me." what? I look at him, urging him to continue with my eyes. "There was a guy and he showed up here. He called you darling, touched your face. You fell in love with him, right then and there. You left me... for someone you didn't even know." I pull his head away from my shoulder, stare into his eyes, and tell him that his nightmare would never come true. I mean, obviously it wouldn't come true because I love Ringo. Right?

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