Chapter 2

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Skylar pov

I was especially familiar with a teacher called Mr Redford or Chris as I was to call him on occasions.

I had his class before lunch. This was my free day where I only had two lessons health and social care then his class. Business. I liked both classes and they would come in handy for my future career.

Health and social went by quickly as always. Business is always a good laugh as Mr Redford or sir takes the mick out of people and it's hilarious he makes out accusations and when people play along he has the funniest reactions. That lesson we learnt about finance which was pretty boring. Also that was because I didn't really know many people in the class. As I was getting ready to leave sir said'skylar please may I see you' I put my bag on my shoulder and put my jumper on my arm then walked to his desk. He patted the chair beside him then i sat down. Not knowing what he wanted me for I got a little worried. I knew sir quite well as I worked with him on stuff for school and then it normally turned to him telling me about him and his family. Then me saying about myself too. 'My partner is starting a new job so she isn't going to be around very much' he stopped talking and I didn't know what to say so I nodded 'and as I know you want to be a nanny as your career. I would like to offer you a job as a babysitter for my kids well more like a nanny if you will as my partner will be away alot' 'you have got to be kidding me?' He shook his head. There was no way he was offering me the job.

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