Chapter 12

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Skylar pov

Once I had put the kids to bed Chris went to put his things in his study. I walked to the kitchen and put dinner on. He walked down the stairs and said 'that smells amazing' 'as I said earlier' 'I will have to taste it before I tell you my opinion' I nodded smiling and he smiled too. 'Go sit down and chill I got this covered' he sat down on a bar stool and watched me. 'I'm not that interesting go watch TV or something' 'I don't like TV so I'm ok here thanks' I replied 'ok?' Who doesn't like TV. Once I was done I handed him a plate and watched him take the first bite. I didn't really want to touch mine as 8 knew what it would be like. He took the first bite and I knew the shepards pies was ok as I didn't make it. He just kept eating it so I ate mine and it wasn't so bad.

When we were done I put the plates in the dishwasher. Chris then went to his study to do some work and I went to my bedroom. Anabelle came into me and said she couldn't sleep so I let her lay in my bed whilst I was on my phone then she fell asleep. Then Thomas began to cry so I did the same as the other night and he fell asleep too. It was about 10pm and Chris came into my room. He looked and smiled. He said' tomorrow let's all go for a walk seen as though it's the weekend?' I nodded he then walked to my bed and picked up Anabelle and took her to her bedroom. He then came back for Thomas but I told him to let him stay here as he would sleep then. I then went to sleep and so did Chris. I told him goodnight as he went out and i fell into my bed to sleep. But I was awoken not long after with Anabelle. I let her get in bed on the other side. Then we both fell asleep again.

The next morning Chris came into my room and smiled at the sight I was laid on one side Anabelle in the middle and Thomas to my side in the cot. He came in and laid beside Anabelle. He moved her petite body further over so he could fit on. I laid facing him and Anabelle we both smiled at the sight. Then as I heard Thomas start to move I put him on the bed next to Chris and he fell asleep again.

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