Chapter 15

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Skylar pov

It became the end of the day. I was done with school. I was so happy. Once I was done with my lesson I went down to Chris' office. He was already to go which was a change. We  went out to the car and then picked the kids up. It seemed like the kids had a good time because they didn't want to leave. When we got home Chris parked up and got both the kids out. He was acting weird. We got into the house then Chris said "half an hour then can I see you in my study with no kids' I nodded. He went upstairs I'm guessing to his study. I fed the kids then I set them to play. I sorted my bag out which I had for school and put everything away. I needed to put some things away in my bedroom so I carried the kids to my bedroom. As I was putting things away Anabelle found one of my dresses. She asked to try it on as she wanted to be a pretty princess like me. I let her then she went running to her fathers study I tried to stop her but she ran. She opened the door and I saw Chris look up and smile. 'I'm a pretty princess now just like Sky' he chuckled and I went to the doorway. She walked around his desk and he picked her up onto his lap. She whispered something to Chris and he chuckled and looked at me. 'Do you really think so?' He looked at her and asked her nodded then jumped down and skipped out to my room. I looked at Chris and he just shrugged and carried on working. OK not weird I will have to ask him later about that. I went into my room and made sure the kids were ok well Anabelle was she was in my wardrobe playing princess so I picked up Thomas and went to Chris study. I knocked and went in I stood by the door. He pointed to the seat across from him. I sat down with Thomas on my lap then Chris said' my partner is in town and I'm going out to meet her as a surprise I had her company ring me when she was in town so are you ok with the kids?' 'Yeah that's fine' 'alright I'm going now then. Anabelle come here' she came running in my dress still ' make sure you don't mucky up Sky's dress okay? I'm going out for a while i won't be long ok?' She nodded then he kissed her head and then Thomas. He waved good bye then he went down the stairs and out the door.

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