Chapter 3

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Skylar knew something was up the moment she entered the Domain...

Earlier, she got bored at Mighty Med, it really felt different when Oliver wasn't around, no one was there to gladly entertain her. She was even desperate to ask Alan if she can join him when he planned to go to the Domain. Alan was annoyed by her plea but he nodded anyway.

And now she's here standing inside the comic book store where she saw Jordan and Gus arguing about something while Kaz was playing a videogame not even bothering to stop them. "What's going on here?!" she demanded while pushing Gus and Jordan away from each other.

"We were deciding who's gonna be in charge of the Domain while Wallace and Clyde are still not around, and it got intense." Gus explained. His tone sounded more excited than angry.

"I'm the one who has to be in charge since I'm the most...I mean the only responsible one from the both of us!" Jordan reprimanded.

"Said the girl who ruined the most valuable item in the store, and destroyed the display case!"

"Hey the ruined painting was your fault! You were the only one who saw it happen!" Jordan exclaimed while pushing Skylar so she could move closer to Gus.

"You told me not to do anything!" Gus stepped to shout at her face.

"Stop!" Skylar exclaimed and they looked at her. "You guys can't deal with this matter by shouting at each other." she stated.

"Then what should we do?" Gus asked.

"I have an idea." Alan said behind them. The three of them looked at Alan in anticipation. "What if we hold a contest to determine who gets to be in charge." Alan suggested with a smirk.

"Sounds fine to me." Jordan said and Gus nodded.

Alan told them to pair up and they just stared at him confused. "Its better if you have a partner." Alan took a pen and a piece of paper.

"If that's the case, I'm with Connie." Jordan grabbed Skylar's arm.

"Really?" Skylar asked in shock, she always thought that Jordan doesn't like her.

"You're the only one in this store excluding me who has intellect." Skylar frowned at Jordan's explanation, if the boys would have heard it, they would feel insulted.

"Then I'm with Alan." Gus stated but Alan shook his head.

"I'm the one in charge of the contest." Alan said while writing something in the piece of paper. "You're with Kaz." Alan pointed at the door of the Domain without looking, and Kaz was surprisingly exactly there. Alan didn't need to look up to find Kaz, he already knew he'll be leaving.

The moment Kaz heard Alan said to pair up, he saved the game he was playing which was Blaze Galactica, and quietly tiptoed to the door of the Domain. He already had enough for one day to even help one of his friends, especially Gus who was the reason he has to take a shower thrice to get the fish stench. He was almost out of the Domain but Alan had to point at him. For a second there he believed he was stealthy enough.

Gus approached him, and he dragged him further to the store. "Oh boy." Kaz mumbled.

Alan raised the paper he was writing on a while ago, "I listed out all of the challenges here." The four approached Alan and read what was in the paper.

It read:

Round 1:
*A video game challenge selected by me (Alan).
*5 points each

Round 2:
*Dance challenge
*5 points each

Round 3:
*A superhero trivia duel.
*10 questions, 1 point each

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