Chapter 1

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"So, on Monday we leave to Madrid. Have a nice weekend and see you on Monday kids."the professor said and the bell rang. We left out of the class quietly as I found my best friend near the door.

She didn't notice that I was behind her, so I started tickling her. Immediately, she kicked over my knee. "Geez Chloe!"I shout while my knee was hurting a lot. She looked at me and started laughing. "Sorry, but you know I hate tickling!"

"Yeah, I'll keep it in my mind."I relpied as we left from university. "Soo, you leave on Monday, right?"she asked me a few minutes later. I looked at her curiously. "Yeah...?" She smiled widely. Oh, no. That's not good.

"I have an idea... First of all today I'm gonna sleepover to your's. Secondly, now we'll go shopping, I won't let you go to Madrid with those clothes!"she said as she was looking at me like I was wearing only my underwear.

"And last but not least, I want you to take me some things from there."she added and I rolled my eyes. First of all, she wanted to sleepover to my house, because she likes my twin brother. I've told her tsousands of times that he plays with her, but she doesn't care a lot.

Secondly, she wants to go shopping because there is a big party on Saturday and she wants to buy a new dress. And last but not least, she wants to buy everything from there. She loves Madrid and she wants to go there one day. So I have to finish my cash there for taking her I don't ever know what!

Okay okay, let me explain they're a lot. My name is Violet Husher and I'm 19. This is my first year at the university on London where I study Science with Chloe, my best friend. A few weeks ago, me and some other wierd kids, took part in a programm which was based on the Madrid's cultures. Yeah Madrid's. And we ended up going there with Erasmus. Yeah, I'm in Erasmus, bitches! And I'm going to live in Spain for a couple of months! Okay, let's continue...

"Okay okay, we'll do whatever you want but please don't make me wear this black dress again at the party!"I begged her. She smirked. "Okay, so we have to buy another one. What could you do without me, hun'?"I rolled my eyes, not saying a word.

We went at the mall. "Okay, first we are going to find the ideal dress that will command Enthan's attention."she said as she carried me in one of those big shops with expensive and wonderful clothes. "But I don't have enough money!"I said "Oh, come on don't worry about it. Why am I here?"

After a LOT of time, we eventually found a cute in the color of azure dress, with some wonderful small roses here and there. I really liked it. And yeah, if anyone is wondering who Ethan is, he is my boy best friend with who I'm secretly in love with. We know each other since forever and maybe that's why I love him so much.

"Now can we please go for a chocolate?"I begged Chloe. She rolled her eyes. "As you want." We sat at Starbucks and enjoyed our drinks. Yeah, I dron't drink coffee, actually I can't understand why people drink coffee. It's unhealthy and I believe that we can count on our own energy.

"Ethan is coming. Don't look behind you."Chloe whispered in my ear. Oh god... Aaaand... here he is. Hugging me from behind while I was feeling those chills again. "Hey girls."he said

"Hey Ethan."I said as casually as I could. I really didn't want to leave him. I'll miss him. "You ready for Spain?"he continued. "Yeah trying to. We came here for shopping!"Chloe said and he laughed. 

"So, you'll come to the airport on Monday, right?"I asked him. I wanted to say goodbye I was going to see him in a few months! He didn't answer. "Ethan?"I said.

"Um-Yeah, I mean I don't know... I write a test on Monday morning remember?"he said. Oh, yeah. That test. I looked at him  mad. "You are joking, right?"I asked him. I couldn't believe it. "Chloe won't be either there! But at least, she will leave on Sunday for California! But you?"I continued.

Erasmus, Bitches!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant