:1: At My Front Door

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 HEYY so this is my first shot at a Justin Bieber fan fic! Please let me know whatcha think :D

And just an fyi, I do not hate justin bieber!!! I think hes superrrr awesome! ;)

 Never Say Never!


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I was upstairs and I heard loud and rapid pounding on the front door. The doorbell was being pressed a numerous amount of times, the annoying jingle echoed through the house.

I groaned, I wondered who would be so impatient they couldn't stop at one knock!

I galloped down the stairs and turned the golden colored door knob, the door swung on its hinges and opened. I gasped as screams immediately pierced my ears. I stared at my best friends Ella and Brandie jumping in front of me, bundled in winter jackets. "Guess what!?" They yelled, and pure joy mixed with their voice.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Justin Bieber is coming to our school!!!" They yelled in unison acting as if they just won the lottery, their scream combined into an eerie shrill, and a large grin swept across their excited faces.

I raised my hands to cover my ears. "No, that's impossible." I couldn't believe what my deceiving ears were hearing. "Am I being pranked?" I looked behind them expecting to see a camera crew, and an annoying host to jump out and yell 'gotcha!'.

"Yes it's true! Also can we please come in, my hands are freezing!" Ella squealed and rubbed her hands together. I pushed the door open the entire way so they could both enter.

They came to sit down on a coffee colored couch in the living room. I walked towards them and clasped my hand together. "Would you guys like something to drink, maybe a soda, or some tea, or maybe a big whopping cup of you guys are liars and hate me?!" I yelled at them, my eyes drifted from Ella's blue eyes to Brandie's brown one's.

"No, were not lying, Justin Bieber is coming to our school! Brandie and I entered to win his contest and if we won he would come to our school and sing some of his songs!" Ella retorted, as she jumped happily in her seat.

"No!" I chose not to believe them.

"Look we know you hate him, but be nice if he ever says hi to you or something!" Brandie stated, I could hear the current of annoyance toward me as it carried across her tongue.

Ella and Brandie are giant 'beliebers'. Meaning they would catch a grenade for Justin Bieber, I don't know why I doubted they would enter that stupid contest. I am not a 'belieber'. I hate him, I find him incredibly annoying for being everywhere I go. I swear it's like he's stalking me or something. He's making sure I see his face or hear his voice every time I go out. I don't understand how anyone can stand it!

 Justin Bieber, his name pricks the skin down my spine with ice cold shivers.

"I know your saying crap about Justin in your head, you can tell because you always get that constipated look on your face when you do." Brandie stated, being her honest self.

I pursed my lips and narrowed my eyes at her. "Gee, thanks for noticing." I responded sarcastically and stared at them. I realized just in time that they were about to start obsessing over Bieber again. "I'll be back in a minute." I said as they barely acknowledged my disappearance they were already drowning far off the coast of 'Bieber land'.

I scurried to the kitchen. Is there a possible way to not go to school the day he comes? Maybe if I pretend to be sick, or just skip class. My parents would not be happy, but I do not want to see his face in pictures let alone in person! Why does this have to happen to people like me? I mean I've been good, I've obeyed my parents, respected (most) of my teachers, I don't deserve this!

"What do you think Justin Bieber smells like?" I heard a fragment of Brandie and Ella's conversation. I stifled a laugh at their question then shook my head feeling sorry for their crazed obsession with this boy...

There was a knock at the door. I quickly ran out of the kitchen, and passed right by my friends, feeling I shouldn't interrupt their conversation, not like they even noticed the knocking!

I was glad I would have someone else to pertain to, and grateful this person would distract my mind off of Justin Bieber, even if it was going to be just for a few seconds.

I pulled open the door and a teenage boy stood in front of me, his breaths were coming out short and rapid. I bore a stare into him and his light brown eyes met with mine, he had a bowl of golden brown locks covering his pretty head. Every golden plated strand seemed to have a designated spot, it all waved in one perfect direction.

Holy guacamole!

I felt like my eyes were fooling with my vision, giving me false images. I quickly forced my eyes shut, squeezing them tight. I quickly counted to three, hoping the boy in front of me would be a glitch in my imagination.

I opened my eyes and the guy was still standing there. I exhaled, with relief.

Oh, it's no one important.

It's just Justin Bieber.

My mind reacted calmly, as my brain wasn't allotting necessary space to make this moment in time logical.

So I repeated it to myself.

Justin Bieber is at my front door.

Wait, what?!

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Sorry if this is short, I'll try and write a lot more! Sorry for any mistakes too, I was superlyy excited to get this out! :)

And yess I know cliffhanger!!!! lol

Anywayss I am happy Im finally doing a justin bieber fan fic! This story idea has been in my mind for a while......

Vote, comment, fan if you like it!

Please let me know whatcha think!

----->> xoxox

- cookiemuncher (stole the cookie from the cookie jar, shhh don't tell anyone!:))

-Never Say Never :P-

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