:4: Surreal

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Justin Bieber leaned in to me, I could smell his delicious aroma cycle through my lungs. He bore his glimmering brown eyes into mine, a heart melting smile upon his face. "I love you." He whispered, his warm breath swirled upon my cheek, sending blood to color my face pink.

"I love you more." I responded, my heart skipping in joy as the butterflies in my stomach flapped their wings like a hummingbird in the spring.

Justin shook his head, the smile plastered to his face. "That's impossible. I love you way more."

"Will you guys kiss already?!" Eunice yelled, as she suddenly appeared. I looked around my surroundings finally acknowledging where I was.

Brandie and Chaz were cuddled together under a tree with rainbow leaves. Wait, rainbow leaves??

"Kiss him!" Eunice was blocking the background, as she was shoving her words at me. I looked at her closer, she was sparkling, like the vampires in fantasy stories. Crisitan Beadles had his arm hooked around her waist, staring at her with a loving look in his bright red eyes.

What's going on here!?


I jolted up at the sound of my annoying alarm clock, awaking from the dangerously life like dream.

I need to stop eating ice cream before bed!

I brought my palm to my forehead, and hit my self a few times. What is wrong with my imagination?!

Quickly, I ran to the shower, and let the water run freely through out my curves. I dressed in purple skinny jeans, with a magenta t-shirt, and a dark purple sweatshirt. Apparently today, I'm a grape.

I jogged down the stairs and to the front door. I sighed as I took a quick glance in the mirror. "Grape," I chuckled lightly and locked the door behind me.


"Hey Alexa! I am so excited to see Justin Bieber today! I am so extremely excited! Are you excited? I'm excited! Did I mention I'm excited? Well I am!" Eunice jumped up and down in -you guessed it- excitement.

"Save your energy, he's coming at the end of the day." I retorted, as we continued walking towards our math class.

"Nope. He decided that he's coming early. There are a bunch of security guards blocking the auditorium entrances, they're getting the stage set up." Eunice grinned from ear to ear, trembling in joy.

My heart raced, a new strand of fear coursed through my veins, I discovered it to be an emotion called being nervous. Wait, I was nervous to see Justin Bieber? The guy that I hate??

I need a nap.

All the students settled down in our assigned seats. I nodded to Ella and Brandy as a greeting.

All too soon a teacher came and interrupted the class. "Alexa Reed, could you please step out of the classroom, Mrs Ghoast would like to talk to you." I silently stood, and followed her out of the classroom and down into the office. Mrs. Ghoast sat at her desk, cocky as ever.

"Again, whatever happened I did not do it. I swear!" I exclaimed taking a seat in front of her.

"Stop saying that whenever I talk to you. Anyways, Justin told me to tell you that he will choose you to sing to, when he sings one less lonely girl."

"Cool beans. Can I go now?"

"Cool beans?" Mrs. Ghoast questioned my lingo.

"It's just a saying." I replied with a smug smile, slinging my backpack over my shoulders and out the door.

Don't Stop Beliebing! {A Justin Bieber Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now