The Beginning

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Carson's pov;
I was sitting in my room when I heard guys downstairs. That is the third night in a row that Tyson has had people over. I was really getting sick of the people who were going in and out of the house, even if they were my brother's friends. My parents probably would say something, but they were almost never home. I don't even think they were talking to each other. They would just come in grab what they needed and leave. And when they were home they were arguing with each other or yelling at me for doing something wrong. Both of them. The problem was I never did anything.

Tyson was the one who was throwing the parties and messing up stuff, but I was the one who got yelled at for it. I brushed it off sometimes, but others I can't handle it. They used to always say that I hang out with my friends too much. And that I have them all over a lot. I knew they were talking about Tyson because I only have two friends and I'm just fine with that. I have Sydney and Patrick. Sydney and I have been the best of friends since the first grade. We have been together ever since. In the eighth grade we meet Patrick. We are just fine in our little group and we don't want anything to change that. There was a knock.

"Come in." I said leaning back on my pillows. The door opened to reveal my brother leaning against the door frame.

"What do you want Tyson?" I asked him.

"Well that's not nice. I was just going to ask if you are going to actually try and have some fun this time." He asked.

"No, I am not." I answered.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because I don't want to be downstairs with a bunch of horny jocks that just want to drink and have sex with girls." I said.

"Actually there are only five guys who are on the football team with me and you have meet three of them." He said.

"What about the other twenty or thirty people that are usually here?" I ask.

"Some of them I know, others are people that Oliver and Corbin bring over here when they come." He says.

"I still don't want to go down there. I just won't fit in." I say.

"Oh come on! I'll tell you what, how about I invite a boatload more people over here and we can have a party, like a big one." He says getting excited.

"That just makes it worse." "How about you invite your friend? That girl, Sydney right?" Tyson says.

"Ty, I've been friends with her since the first grade and you still don't remember her name. And anyway she has a family thing tonight. Her sister is in town with her new boyfriend." I say. Wait, but there is maybe one person I know who will enjoy this party.

"Okay, I will only go under one condition." I say standing up.

"And what is that?" He says crossing his arms and getting serious.

"Patrick has to come." I say.

"Who?" Tyson says.

"Patrick, the guy I drive to school with. The other person in my group. The boy I sit at lunch with." I say slowly.

"You mean gay lord? No, hell no!" He says quickly.

"Do you want me to come down or what?" I ask.

"Yeah, but..." he starts and then I cut him off.

"Then he has to come, that is the only way I will come downstairs. And by the way., stop calling him gay lord he has a name." I hated when Tyson called Patrick that, yeah he is gay but that doesn't give people the right to treat him any differently he's a person too.

"Fine, just keep him away from me and we won't have any problems." Tyson says walking out. Well I guess I have to call Patrick.

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