The Kiss

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Carson's pov:

For someone reason in the back of my mind I could not stop kissing this boy. Everything in me was screaming for me to stop but I just couldn't. One because I just didn't know him. Omg Carson for all we know he could be a serial rapist or something. But something about him intrigued me. Something called out for me. At some point it felt right, it felt like I was supposed to be here, kissing him. 

This stranger who for some reason has made me completely change my character. His kiss is literally turning me into an entirely different person. I have never kissed anyone like this before and he's holding me like he has known me all of my life. Suddenly I'm in a different world and I don't even care about anything anymore. My world has turned completely upside down. 

 Tyson's pov:

I was walking around with the tenth drink I had just drunk. This girl with the rainbow hair that I had just meet had went to wait in my room for me, I think her name is Samantha or something like that. I don't know why but she is. I tried to tell her not to, but my words just came out slurred. I felt like I was going to throw up so I decided to get some fresh air to calm myself since there is no water in sight. 

I walked to the balcony throwing one of the doors open and stepping out. When I turned around after closing the door I saw some couple making out. Gross! I was about to walk back inside and try to forget everything I had just saw when I saw something that nearly made me faint. The girl, who was so clearly getting felt up, was Carson kissing some random guy that I think that I know. 

"What the hell!" I yelled. They sprung apart and Carson looked at me as if she was about to pee her pants.

"You", I said pointing to the boy, "go." He left quickly but was clearly pissed off. As if he had any right to be, and Carson stood in the same spot with her hands behind her back not looking at me.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I screamed. She just continued looking at the floor and it just pissed me off that she knew she had did something wrong. I mean who does something like that  And why!

"Look at me dammit! What the hell were you doing kissing some random guy!"

"You're the one who told me to fit in!" She screamed back.

"I said to fit it in not do the extreme!"

"Well it's not my fault there is nothing but sluts and whores at this party! What could you have possibly meant!" She said. 

"When I said to fit in I didn't mean to make out with some random guy. I meant dance, talk to people, have a drink or two. You're the one that took it too far. That kiss could have turned into anything. Which means he could have taken advantage of you at any moment. AND YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HIM!" I said.

"Whatever Tyson." She said tying to walk back in the house. I stopped her before she got out the door.

"Look I just don't want anything to happen to you, that's all. You're my little sister for goodness sake. What am I supposed to do?" I asked her.

"You can leave me alone and let me go." She said snatching her arm back and going in the house.  

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