
515 33 14

Stranger Things Cast 💕

macaroni.teeth: Yo dudes

redhead.syndrome: Hi ☺

el.bbrown: sadie!

redhead.syndrome: millie! 😂

wolfie.cub: Sadie pm 😊

redhead.syndrome: owki

seen by el.bbrown and macaroni.teeth at 8:22 am

Personal Message

redhead.syndrome: hi

wolfie.cub: What time will you go to the guitar lesson tomo? ☺

redhead.syndrome: I might arrive at 9 am

wolfie.cub: oki. Maybe we can go out for snacks after?

redhead.syndrome: Owki sure ☺

seen at 8:26 am


Personal Message

el.bbrown: sadie!! ☺

redhead.syndrome: Hi Millie 😂

el.bbrown: What are your plans today or tomo?

redhead.syndrome: I got nothin to do today but tomo I have guitar lessons and Finn and I might get snacks after ☺

el.bbrown: ow owkies

redhead.syndrome: 👍
seen at 8:32 am


Personal Message

wolfie.cub: Hii. I'm here already ☺

redhead.syndrome: Heading inside ☺

wolfie.cub: Oki

Personal Message

redhead.syndrome: Hi Millie!!

el.bbrown: oh hi



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redhead.syndrome: Finn at guitar lessons :)

el.bbrown: 👍
seen at 9:20 am



noahschnapp, gatenm123, 27483 others like thisfinnwolfhardofficial: After guitar lessons, had tutti fruity with @sadiesink_ 12 mins ago213 comments:music

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noahschnapp, gatenm123, 27483 others like this
finnwolfhardofficial: After guitar lessons, had tutti fruity with @sadiesink_
12 mins ago
music.me: Wow 😍
sadiesink_: Thank for treating me!! Hahaha

Personal Message

el.bbrown: ugh

death.of.an.eggo: ?

el.bbrown: Finn is still being snobbish

death.of.an.eggo: He asked for space and we're giving it to him

el.bbrown: Yeah but I miss the old him 😞

death.of.an.eggo: me too 😞

death.of.an.eggo: How about we keep your mind off it? Lunch at Burger King? ☺

el.bbrown: I'm kinda sick of burgers

death.of.an.eggo: Okay, how about movies then you decide where to have lunch?

el.bbrown: Sure ☺


therealcalebmclaughlin, milliebobby_brown, and 18732 others like thisnoahschnapp: at the movies with my bestie! @milliebobby_brown11 mins ago162 comments:milliebobby_brown: ❤noahsdaughter: NILLIE

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therealcalebmclaughlin, milliebobby_brown, and 18732 others like this
noahschnapp: at the movies with my bestie! @milliebobby_brown
11 mins ago
milliebobby_brown: ❤
noahsdaughter: NILLIE

Personal Message

macaroni.teeth: Are you done needing "space" now?
seen at 1:42 pm

macaroni.teeth: answer me!!!
seen at 1:43 pm

macaroni.teeth: Fine. Have it your way.
seen at 1:43 pm

macaroni.teeth changed the group name to Mission Impossible: Finn Wolfhard

choco.dad: Waz happenin?

macaroni.teeth: Update: Subject has been snobbish for more than 48 hours.

death.of.an.eggo: Shall we initiate plan B sir G?

choco.dad: Not yet sir N. We need to know ma'am M's say in this

macaroni.teeth: Agreed. We should wait for ma'am M to be active

choco.dad: (wait what's plan b)

macaroni.teeth: (lmao idk ask Noah)

death.of.an.eggo: (jk I made that up we don't have a plan b yet)

el.bbrown: wth guys

choco.dad: (Millie you broke character. We're supposed to be secret agents)

el.bbrown: (Omg ok)

macaroni.teeth: So what shall Plan B be? (Ey you see what I did there)

el.bbrown: Who hasn't spoken with said subject yet?

death.of.an.eggo: I haven't

el.bbrown: Alright then. Sir N will talk to Subject before we think of plan B (now can we stop being spies now please)

choco.dad: (lmao ok)

el.bbrown: FINALLY


Personal Message

death.of.an.eggo: Hey. Are you okay now?

wolfie.cub: No. I still need space

death.of.an.eggo: I understand that. But you at least give a little hint of why you're.. Like this?

wolfie.cub: Sorry but no

death.of.an.eggo: Does it involve me? Or us? Are you mad at us?

wolfie.cub: yes

death.of.an.eggo: what question does that answer?

wolfie.cub: figure it out
seen at 3:21 pm

wolfie.cub was active 1 min ago

Hi!! This was kinda long for me already lol. Vote, comment, share with others!!! -Claire

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