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Finn Wolfhard @FinnSkata
Amazing comic con! Thanks guys 😃


😍 for her 'shoot' #MagazineMillie

therealcalebmclaughlin, gatenm123 and milliebobby_brown and 45129 likes


millielovefan: Omg slay

nillieaf: Nillie is real shoot my heart

fillieisgoalz: What is the meaning of this

milliebobby_brown: Noah, omg not that 😂

Finn Wolfhard @FinnSkata 2 mins ago

Practice and bonding with @SadieSink 😉 i love this gal

Mission Impossible: Finn Wolfhard

2:12 pm

el.bbrown: Its been 2 weeks (?)

choco.dad: Wdym?

el.bbrown: 2 weeks that finn's being snobbish 

macaroni.teeth: tbh idk if i have given up on him lololol

death.of.an.eggo: I think we should talk with sadie :/

el.bbrown: Who talks to sadie then

choco.dad: Definitely you

macaroni.teeth: yuh tru

death.of.an.eggo: tbh yes

el.bbrown: what the hell y me

macaroni.teeth: Well first of all, you're the most worried about finn. not saying that we arent but u r for sure the most concerned about him.. and sadie is a girl like u sooo

choco.dad: ^^

death.of.an.eggo: im sorry millzie but i think they're right :(

el.bbrown: I dont like Sadie tbh

choco.dad: what? you and sadie r best friends

macaroni.teeth: ^^^

el.bbrown: ugh ok


Personal message


2:21 pm

el.bbrown: hey

redhead.syndrome: hi mil

el.bbrown: i need to ask you something

redhead.syndrome: oh ok sure. What is it?

el.bbrown: Finn is acting weird.. TO US but not you 

redhead.syndrome: wdym by 'us'

el.bbrown: Noah, caleb, me, gaten

redhead.syndrome: Idk what ur talking abt

el.bbrown: oh quit being a fake beotch, sadie

redhead.syndrome: wtf millie???

redhead.syndrome: why would you call me a beotch?

el.bbrown: i know u know smth bout finn so speak up

redhead.syndrome: tbh i would have told u if u hadnt called me beotch so u know what??? im not telling you

Seen by el.bbrown at 2:28pm

Mission Impossible: Finn Wolfhard
2:39 pm

el.bbrown: oh my God u guys

choco.dad: What what

macaroni.teeth: Yo

death.of.an.eggo: Hm

el.bbrown: i called sadie a beotch

macaroni.teeth: GOD MILLIE

death.of.an.eggo: R U OUT OF UR MIND

choco.dad: WTF

el.bbrown: I know i know im freaking out

death.of.an.eggo: What did she say

el.bbrown: "u know what i would have told u if u havent called me a beotch"

choco.dad: *exhales deeply and face drops*

macaroni.teeth: damn it

death.of.an.eggo: Why in the world would u call sadie-- sadie which is our last hope in finding out finns problem--  a beotch?!?!?!

macaroni.teeth: ^^

choco.dad: ^^

el.bbrown left the conversation.

choco.dad: goddamn it

macaroni.teeth: noah go after ur gf

death.of.an.eggo: UGH

Private Message
2:59 pm

death.of.an.eggo: Millie

el.bbrown: what

death.of.an.eggo: im sorry

el.bbrown: 'k

death.of.an.eggo: milliee sorry okay? Everyone is just really frustrated about finn

el.bbrown: ok

death.of.an.eggo: Millie i know it isnt okay

You cannot send anymore messages to el.bbrown due to el.bbrown's privacy settings.

el.bbrown will not receive anymore messages due to privacy settings.

Hii sorry for the super long wait 😯 here it issss! -delia❤

in between - fillieWhere stories live. Discover now