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Stranger Things Cast 💕

wolfie.cub: When's comic con again?

redhead.syndrome: Next week, wed 😊

wolfie.cub: Sadie pm ☺

redhead.syndrome: okies
seen by el.bbrown, macaroni.teeth, heat.on, and 2 others at 9:03 am


Mission Impossible: Finn Wolfhard

el.bbrown: There they go again 😑

macaroni.teeth: What?

el.bbrown: PM PM PM PM

choco.dad: I mean it's not like they can just flood the group chat


macarni.teeth: 😏


choco.dad: 😏 Somebody jelly

el.bbrown: noah stop seenzoning defend me here!!

death.of.an.eggo: Bye gotta charge

el.bbrown: WOW NICE

choco.dad: If you're that stressed about it then talk to him

el.bbrown: He wont reply properly

macaroni.teeth: Well we tried talking to him and he won't budge. Not our problem anymore

el.bbrown: But guys...

choco.dad: I'm giving him one last chance. Besides, if your theory is right, he shouldn't involve us in your problems 😒

el.bbrown: Sorry for all this 😦

macaroni.teeth: It isn't your fault Millie

Personal Message

redhead.syndrome: Hi

wolfie.cub: Hi Sadie ☺ Btw, thanks for being my friend while I'm having issues atm

redhead.syndrome: Issues? What about?

wolfie.cub: Well it involves Millie... I had a crush on her for a while now...

redhead.syndrome: Oh I see

wolfie.cub: But I don't think she likes me back..

wolfie.cub: And now she's really close with Noah and I just stayed away so that I won't hurt myself

redhead.syndrome: So that's why you've been avoiding them huh?

wolfie.cub: Yeah..

redhead.syndrome: It's okay .. I'll always be your friend if you need me ☺

wolfie.cub: Thanks Sadie! It feels good to finally be able to tell someone my problems. Feels like the big weight I've been carrying is gone now

redhead.syndrome: So you've only told me?

wolfie.cub: Yes.. no one else knows

redhead.syndrome: Wow I feel so special 😂

wolfie.cub: Hahahaha of course you are

wolfie.cub: You're special as a friend ☺

redhead.syndome: Ahahaha

wolfie.cub: Sorry if I'm being too dramatic

redhead.syndrome: Oh it's okay. I actually enjoy hearing your stories haha

wolfie.cub: So, have you figured out the guitar chords?

redhead.syndrome: Yep :) proud to say I've somewhat memorized the chords for next meetings performance

wolfie.cub: good for you :) Can we be partners at the performance? Sorry, I don't want to perform alone

redhead.syndrome: same! sure ahahaha

wolfie.cub: When can we practice?

redhead.syndrome: Tomo? Same time? :)

wolfie.cub: Sure. See you tomo :)

redhead.syndrome: Bye Finn


Sadie Sink @SadieSink

19 mins ago

Performance next thursday aghh help 😓 with @FinnSkata

138 favorites 75 retweets


Mission Impossible: Finn Wolfhard

el.bbrown: Did you see Sadie's Tweet 😑

death.of.an.eggo: Yeah

el.bbrown: Noah pm

death.of.an.eggo: okay

Personal Message


el.bbrown: I'm already hopeless help me

death.of.an.eggo: Millie.. it's only been three days.. I'm sure he'll be back to old Finn soon

el.bbrown: I've been very miserable these past few days noah.. I just wanna cry

death.of.an.eggo: Millie.. please don't

death.of.an.eggo: You want me to come over?

el.bbrown: Please

death.of.an.eggo: Okay.. I'll be there soon

Sorry for the super short chapter I wanted to write more but Imma talk to Delia first about what imma add hahaha -Claire

in between - fillieWhere stories live. Discover now