News Flash

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"Who would believe this Levi!" shouted Cassy. "A black robed rider! You have got to be joking!"
"No seriously!" argued Levi. "I have eye witness accounts and everything from last night."

"So I've heard," said Cassy. "Sounds like a freak to me."

I practically choked on my food. "You okay Nick?" asked Sadie.

"Yeah..." I cleared my throat. "I'm fine."

"Do you think the guy is real?" asked Sadie.

"I don't know," I lied.

"He is like a ghost. He rides a black horse, like death!" said Levi, all excited.

"But he isn't like death," argued Sadie. "He saved that girl's life last night, and didn't kill one Night Crawler."

"What do you think?" asked Levi. "The Robed Rider? The Black Robed Rider?" We all shook our heads. "I got it! The Black Knight!"

"It's ok," I said.

"I like it!" said Sadie. "Sounds very brave!"

So there was my new name. The Black Knight. Not very original, but it would do, I guess. To me it reminded me of the Black Knight form that funny Holy Grail movie.

Oh well...

Winchester seemed pleased to see me after school. I fed him an apple, as a treat for being such a great crime fighting companion last night. I road a little through the woods, after that. Winchester seemed pleased to know that not all of our riding time together was going to take place at night.

"You have your own identity to protect," I told him, while I guided him down the beaten path with my legs. "Sorry, it would seem you won't be getting any visitors besides me and Rhydian. Sorry Winn."

The horse didn't really respond. I felt like I was actually doing something I was destined to do. Like fighting the Night Crawlers was a calling. Gosh that sounded ridiculous.

That night I took down another group of Night Crawlers, this time trying to rob a store. By the next day, The Black Knight was the biggest news in Ravenswood ever. At school people claimed to have seen him, I mean me. The only problem was their descriptions were a little off. Some claimed I road a white horse, while others said I wore a cross on my chest. Some said that I didn't wear a cross but a 6 pointed star.

Some religious people claimed that I was the anti-christ, which was taking it a little far, in my opinion. Levi had written multiple eye witness accounts, some didn't seem valid, into the school newspaper. The teachers didn't exactly like the topic because it kept coming up in class. Our history teacher Mr. Norse, thought the topic was an interesting one and used it as a lesson. The topic was titled, "What can Cause Change in History?"

Cassy, Sadie, and Levi insisted that I come by to Levi's house today to give my personal opinion on the topic. Really, I think it was more of an intervention to let them in where I was going everyday. I had to keep sneaking off after school to visit Winchester. My friends were starting to talk, and my uncle and aunt seemed slightly worried, so I reluctantly agreed.

Levi's house was the only decent looking town house, in town. It was close to the downtown area, but still had about 2 acres of yard. His living room was clean, his father and mother were neat freaks. We went up to his blue painted room, and there I discovered the mess of a genius. It looked like Levi had come up with a very large obsession for the past few days. Post it notes and images of Night Crawlers hung on the walls, and at the top were two pictures: Blade, and a question mark.

"Well," said Cassy. "I see you have gained a hobby Levi."

He smiled. "Yeah. You could say that."

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