Night Terrors

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"Nick," said Cassy. "I thought you were asleep!"

I was silent for awhile.

"Where are you?" She asked.

"On the main road."

"Why?!" she hissed. "Are you planning on running out of here or something?"

Oh boy, it was much worse than that. "No," I said. "Look. I really need your help, and quickly."

"Are you in some sort of trouble Nick?" she accused me. "Because I thought you were the honorable one in the family..."

I winced. "Yeah... well, its a long story."

"Do you know where you are? I can pick you up. Wait," she said. "How come you cant get here, but you managed to get there. Did the 4 - wheeler break down or something?"

"No," I said. "Look all I know is I am surrounded by corn fields. There is this farm house nearby with a rusted, red, beat up old truck. Sound at all familiar?"

She scoffed. "I know where you are."

"Really," I said, surprised. "Where?"

"You're nearly at school."

Good, I could use the school as a way to hide until Cassy could find me. "Ok. Meet me at the school, in the back parking lot. But, and this is crucial, you have to bring Uncle Rick's horse trailer."

"Oh God," she said. "It's worse than I thought." I braced for the impact. "You hit a horse!"

"Sure whatever," I replied, hearing her shock at my shallow response on the other end of the phone. "I just need your help. Meet me at the school, and hurry."

"Should I bring a vet?"

"No," I said. "Just get to the school."

"Wait," she said. "Is this a burner phone?" I hung up. 

I galloped Winn to the school. It took 5 minutes, and he was happy to do so. I guess we wouldn't be going through the fields again anytime soon... Luckily, we had lost the cops for the time being.

Cassy arrived right behind me. I took off my hood, so she would know it was me. This was a huge risk, and at first, I was hisitant to reveal my identity out in the open like this, who knew who was watching. Also, at the time, I wasn't exactly sure how Cassy would react, when she found out how Nick Harper was really spending his nights. When she saw me, she blinked a few times. "Nick?" She asked, quietly. "The Black Knight? He is you? You are him?"

As I approached her slowly, she backed away. This was not good. For all I knew the cops would be here any moment. "Cassy," I said, slowly. "You know me. I am not going to hurt you."

She stopped backing up, and glanced at me up and down. "You look utterly ridiculous."

I smiled. I couldn't agree more. "Look, we don't have a lot of time. The reason I called you is because the cops are currently hunting Winn and I down. I need you to take us back to your house."

"The house?" she scoffed. "Not your secret lair?" 

"I don't have a secret lair. Not really..." 

"Not really?" she asked, confused. She started shouting. "Nick! What if mom and dad found out. Who else knows?" 



"It was his idea." 


"He had a good point."


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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2017 ⏰

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