It all started here - September 7, 2015

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On this very moment I knew I came to the last words of this chapter. My life was about to change in just one day. A year ago when I went to a cancer specialist in the hospital, she told me I had nothing to worry about. I was healthy enough to go back home. Back then I could see the happiness of my mother in her eyes. I can describe it as a fire that is been blown away by the words of the doctor. 'Your son has no cancer.'
A year later when I saw a swelling on my right groin I somehow managed to laugh. 'I did have cancer back then, didn't I?' Is what I asked myself on the first place. I made an appointment with my doctor and that's when things started to get serious. 'Murat, you have something we can't remove with tablets. I think you might have this.' The doctor told me while handing me a small paper with the word 'Fibroma' on it. I had no idea what it was. And apparently I wasn't curious to ask. He then told me I was going to have an echo next week to get things clear. I thanked the doctor and went home right away. On my way home I took my phone out and searched for this word. Fibroma? What was that actually? I went on Wikipedia and immediately saw the sentence: 'Fibromas (or fibroid tumors or fibroids) are benign tumors'. Just like always I was a person who tried to see things in a better and positive perspective. 'Well at least it says benign tumor.' I told myself while walking home.
Once I arrived home my mom asked me how the appointment was. 'What did the doctor say?' She asked curiously. 'Well I just need to make an echo to see what's going on.' I answered the worried voice of my mother. 'It's probably the same mistake from last year, just don't worry.'
That's when I learned that people can't schedule their life. Once a book is been opened, you just read the words without even knowing what you're about to read. Just as it is in life, we don't know what's about to come. When it comes, we accept. And we keep on going. Cause that's what makes us stronger, mature and especially thankful for the life we have. From this point, I just had to wait for the new chapter of my book. Cause if there was one thing I knew. It was about to start.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2016 ⏰

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