Telling The Big News & The Meeting

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Feather's POV 

I am so happy the Jay Park wants me to work for him. I have to tell my grandparents. I ran over to there side of the house and yelled ''Grandma, Grandpa the Jay Park wants my to work for him! I'm going down to AOMG tomorrow to see if I get a long with the artist that are all ready there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''

 My grandma smiled and said ''That's wonderful.''

my grandpa said ''Just what we need fames people coming over to party at all hours of the night.'' sounding annoyed.

I said ''There will be NO party's here grandpa or any that I would go to other then birthday party's.''

''OK good.'' my grandparents both said.

(Time skip to the next day) 

it's 7:00 am I got my phone out and called the number that Jay Park called me on yesterday. 

''Hello Loco speaking. How may I help you?'' OMG I'm talking to Loco.

''Hi I'm coming down to AOMG and i was wondering if I was aloud to bring me dog?'' I replied.

''Oh your the newbie. Ya I think you can bring your dog.'' 

''OK thank you for your time. Bye.''

"BYE!" he yelled in to the phone. i hung up my phone and got Fang's leash.

''Fang and I are leaving now bye.'' I yelled to my grandparents as Fang and i started to walk to the road. We don't have a car so I get a lot of exercise. 

25 min later I was still four blocks a way when a car puled up beside Fang and I. The man said ''Are you Feather Brant the YouTuber?''

I turned to see Ugly Duck one of my favorite rappers so i said ''Yes. I'm heading to AOMG right now.'' 

He replied ''Get in the car I'll drive you and your dog there. Since I work there and I'm on my way there.'' 

''Thank you that would be awesome.'' I said happily then Fang and I got in the car, and Ugly Duck started to drive. Once we got to AOMG I said "Thank you."

"Your welcome." Ugly Duck replied.

When I walk in I saw Jay Park talking to Okasian, JayAllDay, Loota, kohh, Bryan Cha$e, and Keith Ape (They are also known as the group Underwater Squad or The Cohort). When he saw me he smiled and waved me over. So I walked over.

He said "There she is the girl of the hour. Feather you know how these are" pointed to the Underwater Squad "Boys this is Feather she the new girl."

I said "Nice to meet you all."

Keith said "Bye Jay we have to go record our songs" then him the his crow walk down the hallway and didn't even say hi to me.

Then Jay said "Just look around, meet the team and my be make some new friends. I will be in my office if you need me."

I replied "OK. Jay talk to you later." Then he walk to his office.

I has walking around with Fang by my side when I felt to strong arms rap around my waist. The person said "Hay pretty lady are you the newbie?" OMG it's Loco.

I blushed and replied "Yes I am."

"Cool if you need any help I will be in this room" he said pointing to a room with sign that read 'Locos recording room'.

"OK Loco" I said as he walk to the room and opened the door. I started to walk again. After a while I saw a room door that saw open so I walked over to see what was going on. I saw the Underwater Squad there were recording songs when Keith and Cha$e were singing one of my favorite songs by them 'Let Us Prey'. Okasian looked over from the couch and saw me he smiled, and he then waved his in a way that said 'Come here'. So I walk in the room and sat down beside him. He put his arm a round my shoulder and said ''Nice to meet you.'' Then he held out his hand I shook it.

I then replied ''Same to you." He pulled me into his body so my head has on his neck and his head was on top of mine. It felt nice. He rubbed his head on my head and cuddled me tighter. Which I found funny because we just met but Fang had the great idea of barking which made Keith, Kohh, Cha$e, Jayallday, Loota, and Okasian look at Fang and I funny. I simply said "He is a bit over protective over me with new people." 

Okasian smiled, cuddled me even more. He said "That's ok it must scary with all these new people around. He just does not what you to get hurt." Fang then walked up to me and Okasian, so Okasian started to pet him. which i thought was crazy because Fang has never let any one but my grandparents and I pet him. 

After around two hours of hanging out with the Cohort got a text from Jay Park "Have you met anyone yet?" 

So I text back "Only you, Ugly Duck, Loco, and The Cohort."

He replied "Please come to my office Simon, Hoody, and Gray are all here and would love to meet you."

Look at Okasian and say "Thank you for your time but Jay wants me in his office."

Okasian said "Ok bye."

"Bye" I replied as Fang and I left the room. How I have Jay Parks office.

 Well that was chapter 2 hope you enjoyed. Please comment and vote. Bye til next time. 

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