Josh Hutcherson Imagine Part One

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Your sitting out on your deck, and you here a knocking underneath the deck.So, being you and having a bikini on you jump off your deck and into the pool and climb out and look under the deck.You keep looking around moving stuff out of your way because like what is going to want to live under your deck.

You here a boom in the back corner and so you run to it and you see someone had knocked over a table but where is the person.Then you feel the pair of arms you would know from everywhere it was Ross.Ross was your boyfriend for 9 months and you knew you loved him.

"Hey,(Y/F/N)",he said

"Hey,babe" You said softly

You love Ross but someone is always trying to get with you.You couldn't even name all the guys you tried to go out with you.You knew Ross wasn't just going to go out with you for two weeks and then leave.He has R5 his band which sometimes has it's negatives.Like if you want to hang out and he might have practices.Today was actually your lucky day. He didn't have practice and you didn't have gymnastics practice.

Oh,what yeah your on the Olympic gymnastic team.You love your teammates and your sport.You have been doing it for god only knows how long.Ross loves watching you do gymnastics he said he could never do a back-bend and you started laughing and said but you can do a back hand spring.

You always had good luck in your life,except on Friday the 13th and guess what today was.Haha just your luck.Ross started filtering all nervous and started shaking which is what he does when he is nervous.

"Ross, what's wrong you keep acting all weird?" You asked slightly worried

"'s you see imbreakingupwithyoubecausewearegoingontourandicanthaveagirldistractingme!" He said very fast

Even though he said it fast you knew exactly what he said and knew that it was just your luck.You kept a strong face and said

"It's fine really I was cheating on you with Josh anyway."You say hurt fully

Your best guy friend is Josh Hutcherson and he just got back from his movie premiere and you have always had a slight crush on he slightly but he was you best friend and you knew he would never like someone like you. 

You get up and walk from underneath your deck and run to Josh's house.You just walk in and he was sitting on the couch.HOLD ON NO..NO..NO JENNIFER ISNT HIS GIRLFRIEND IS SHE? SHE IS KISSING HIM. Then he pushes her off and says

"What's your problem you know I love (Y/F/N)!" He says Angrily 

"Fine,she is right behind you though so suck it up and put up with her and Ross ,bye!" She comebacks

Josh spins around blushing horribly and you walk up to him and put your arms around he and start to cry and say,

"Ross broke up with me I thought he loved me I guess I was wrong.Who am I kidding? Who would like me?" I asked stupidly

"We'll for starters me." he said amused

"Haha.I like you too you know I always have,but I was scared Ross would hit me or something!" you said honestly

"I love you!" he said quickly

"I think I love you too!" You say

---------------to be continued-----------!!

Dedicated to @ lovelynch my newest cowriter!

I wrote this one guys hope you like it!

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