The Break Up.

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     It was absolutely gorgeous outside. The weather was incredible, it had been cold and rainy for days and you were stuck inside the house. Your boyfriend, Josh, had asked you to hang out last night but you just weren't feeling it. You offered him to come over but he insisted on going out and just decided to hang out with the guys. You had no problem with him hanging with the boys, guys need their time with each other just like girls need nights out too. However, these past few weeks Josh had gotten more distant with you and you truly had no idea as to what was going on. You decided to give him a call to see if he wanted to grab lunch. You pulled your phone out and tapped on his name in the recent calls log. 

Hey, it's Josh and if you are hearing this I either: don't know you, don't like you, both, or I just missed your call. Leave your name and number and I will get back to you... maybe.

That is weird. He always answers your calls even when he is infuriated with you. You shoot him a quick text saying you were going to come over. You waited almost an hour and still got no reply so you just decided to head over and make sure he was alright. You walked outside and let out a sigh of relief when you felt the rays of sun pierce down on your skin. You got inside your car and smiled when the Fray filled the car. This day could not get anymore perfect. You backed out of the driveway and started on your way towards Josh's house.

When you pulled into his driveway, you noticed his car was home. You figured he might have decided to sleep in today as he has been working pretty hard the last few weeks. You walked in the house quietly trying not to make too much noise. You figured you would just snuggle with him until he woke up. You walked up the stairs tipping toeing trying to miss the creaky boards that always seem louder than they truly are when you are trying to be sneaky. You got right outside his bedroom and quietly opened the door, but when you opened it you could no longer move. You stood frozen in your footsteps. Josh was in bed sleeping looking so damn handsome just as he always did, but your best friend was lying there with him. Her arm was draped over him and her head was lying on his chest. You felt a rage in you that you truly had never felt until this very moment in time. You walked into the room closing the door behind you and sat in the chair that came with the desk in his room just watching. You wanted to cry and yell but you figured that could come with time might as well let them get their sleep in because after this you hoped they would have nightmares every night of you.

After about thirty minutes of sitting there, Josh shifted and turned onto his side kissing Jessica, your best friend, on the head which in turn woke her up. She smiled at him and you tried so hard to remain quiet almost wanting to laugh at how good of an angle you were in that you stayed out of there range of sight. 

"You look so beautiful," You cringe silently begging him to shut up, "You know (Y/N) can never find out about us though. I wish I could just leave her sometimes but I just can't" Josh said those words and they sank down deep and finally the sadness started to hit. 

"I know this is wrong to do to her because she is truly is an amazing friend but I promise she will never make you feel the way I do. I see it, you are happier with me." Jessica said, you scoffed. You couldn't hold it in anymore. I mean seriously what a bitch.

They both shot their heads around to the corner of the room and seen you sitting their with a smirk you were trying so hard to keep planted on your face. Jessica pulled the cover over her exposing Josh and of course he had on no clothes. You stood up and walked to the end of the bed grabbing on to rails and began to speak.

"(Y/N), what are you doing here? I didn't know you were coming, I am so sorry. Babe, please I have just been lonely these last few days and she--" Josh started but you cut him off.

"Save it. You too are going to be perfect together. I truly believe it. You are both sneaky, conniving, oh and don't forget bitches. I can not believe I wasted two years of my life on you. Jessica, I don't know how you can say I am an amazing friend and follow it with trying to get my boyfriend to leave me for you. I promise you honey, you will never make him feel the way I did. You might have a nice body and pretty face but looks fade and let's face it, you got the short end of the stick when it came to personality. I hope you two are so happy with each other, I know I will be happy without the dead weight resting on my shoulders from dumping you two." You turned on your heels after finishing your speech and as soon as your hand hit the door knob, you felt someone grab your wrist.

You truly did not care which one of them it was. You turned around with a balled fist and punched whoever it was directly in the nose. It turned out to be Josh. You let out a loud sigh.

"Damn, I was really hoping it was going to be that bitch" You said pointing at her.

"What the hell, (Y/N)!" Josh yelled

"Oh, I am so sorry Josh. Did you not understand what that was? That was me breaking up with you. Guess neither of us seen things coming today" You said smiling as you opened the door and walked outside.

You got outside and of course it was pouring down rain but you truly did not care. You knew it was going to be hard losing two people in one night, but you were ready. You walked to your car and looked up seeing Josh and Jessica peering down on you as you got in. You rolled the window down giving a sarcastic wave before pulling out of the driveway leaving both Jessica and Josh in your rear view mirror.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wow, it has been years since I have posted in here but I have heard the begs and pleas to start writing again and I am! Thank you to all of you. Reach out me if you want a request, I will be more than happy to do them!

Yours, Emma.xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2020 ⏰

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