oh😕 ~ 4

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Lacey: Oh my god! I Dont know how to feel! I'm happy that you finally like someone but I'm also surprised that its him *frowns* he's in the year above us...

Kylah: I know but I just can't get him out my head. You know me I usually wouldn't care about what happened but I can't stop thinking about it

Lacey: well you're gonna have to. He's older he's probably got different taste in girls. Some of the girls in his grade already wear a bra🙊

Kylah: (mumbles) I wear a bra.

Lacey: really!? *looks* Woah you got boobies. 😮

Kylah: is that a bad thing?

Lacey: no it's a good thing wait stand up.

Kylah: *stands up*

Lacey: turn around

I do as she says and turn around.

Kylah: why?

Lacey: woah you got a big butt too!

Kylah: I know that's not a bad thing.

Lacey: no it's not. You are one lucky little bitch.

Kylah: I know *flips hair*

Lacey: maybe you do have a chance at beating those older girls but first you gotta know how to fight.

Kylah: I know how to fight. Bianca taught me.

Lacey: she teaches you everything doesn't she

Kylah: yeah she's like my sister and she lives with me while her mom is away modelling and stuff.

Lacey: your really lucky to have a sister. Anyways I guess you're ready.

Kylah: to do what?

Lacey: to get your boy.

Kylah: hmm...I Dont know if I'm ready to date.

Lacey: you'll be fine just Dont be too shy be confident and be yourself.

Kylah: OK.

Nana: (yells) girls! You're food is ready!

Lucas walks in and says hi. My grandma loves us but she's always tryna make us fat.😂 A snack to her is a huge bowl of pasta💀

Kylah: Nana, I Dont think I can finish this.

Nana: just eat as much as you want.

Kylah: OK.

Lacey: but first...

Nana: let's say grace.

We say grace and then eat our pasta. None of us can finish but obviously Nana eats all of hers.

Nana: alright you're all sleeping at Kylah's house tonight with Bianca because your daddies are at an important meeting til late.

Us: yay! Sleepover!😆

Nana: Dont sleep late you still got school tomorrow.

Us: we won't.

Lucas: Bianca's hot.

Nana: boy go suck on a binky or something.

Me and Lacey run upstairs to the room that used to be my auntie's. A few years ago she gave birth and passed away. Nobody knows what happened to the baby... Anyways me and Lacey sit on her bed and talk about stuff like fighting annoying girls👊 and shaving the principal's head... Don't ask.😐

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