The Perky and the Goth Pete X Reader Pt.1

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You were known to be the happiest person in South Park. I mean sure, South Park had weird shit going on like aliens and manbearpigs. And your parents abuses over stupid reasons. But hey, all you do was dab and be happy.
(At that's my motto. If your struggling, just dab. Mad, dab)

The only thing you were happy for was your boyfriend Pete. Yes, Pete was your boyfriend. I know right? A goth and a perky in a relationship, what fun.

Pete didn't know about your situation at home. He always thought that you were perky and that was your personality. He wouldn't say he liked it,

He loved it. Yes, he loved her conformist ways in a way. The only thing is though, is that he wants to keep this relationship a secret from the other goths. Because dating and love was to conformist.

Anyways, to the story!

It was late at night, you and Pete were flirting. Yes, apparently Pete could flirt. Who knew, am I right?

"I would miss any day just to be with you~" Pete texted. You giggled. "Oh Pete, you're so sweet." You texted back. You were about to flirt back to him until. . .


"Shit. . ."

You walked out of your room and walked down the stairs of your house.

"What did I do this time that I didn't do. . ." You said like if you were the next Craig Tucker.

"Your cat pee all over our new carpet!!!" You picked up Snuggle. "Snuggles didn't mean it. He's still in potty training."

But all you got was a slap on the cheek. It left your cheek pink and already starting to bruise. "Who's gives a shit of what training he has!! Tomorrow morning we're taking him to the animal shelter!"

"No! You know what?! I'm done! You guys don't care about me! You just use me for a rage reliever! Snuggles is my only friend in this house! If he goes, I go!" You ran outside of that rage house and ran straight for Pete's place.

Once you got there you knock so many times as might as well knock the door down. Pete opened the door, not expecting you to be at his door, crying.

"Babe what's wrong?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2016 ⏰

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