14: Lessons

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After changing into a more presentable outfit, I let Shail escape down the stairs first. The crag cat, who disappointingly did not have a single snarl reserved for the beefy stranger at my side, thudded down on the tight corners while the Walrus and I huffed after him. Well, the Walrus huffed. The climb up the tower seemed to have taken a bit of wind from his sails, and he entirely recovered even with the time it took me to figure out the lace on an old fashioned 'bra.'

"Here's the thing," the middle aged man panted, wiping sweat from his forehead as his feet touched the bottom stair. His ruddy beard and mustache positively glittered with moisture. "There ain't much the King or I can be doing for ya, not without cheating."

Pulling my hair into a braid, I secured the end with a bit of ribbon and tried walking slow enough for him to catch his breath. "Is it even possible to cheat?" I asked, shoving Shail away from the now-sparkling spot of floor where he'd taken care of business the previous night.

The last thing I wanted to do was encourage the cat to make a habit out of using that spot, even if it was just for a few days. Prince Chiro had been rather tolerant of me and at some point today he was going to return upstairs to a smashed bed frame. The last thing I needed was for him to be cursing me all the way up the stairs because he stepped in cat poo.

My winded companion continued to wipe at his face. "'Course. Hard to do, seeing as the rules are mighty simple, but not impossible. You can have your weapons and your shields and your wits, but you can't be having outside help. For example, can't have me out in the field axing men for ya."

As we walked down to the gardens I'd glimpsed from my room, I ran through my pitiful list of ideas and options. I didn't want help, didn't want to find out at a later date that I owed someone for it, but I wasn't stupid enough to refuse any generosity sent my way right about now.

"What if you partner with someone?" I asked as the floral fragrance of nature slipped through the morning air. The pale green dawn brought the garden to life, dying white petals a springy color as we strolled deeper into the gardens. There was no one here, not that I could see, as we wound our way through one dirt path after another.

The Walrus considered my question a moment, then nodded. "Nothing wrong with that, far as what I've seen in the past. Formed a partnership myself, quite some years back. Must've brought home thirty girls 'tween the two of us. Divvying the spoils though, that's what got me this scar." He held out one chubby hand. A thick, mangled line ran from the base of his thumb, over his wrist, and disappeared into his furs. "Now I know what you're thinking," he rumbled, laying the same, damp hand on my forearm. "I wouldn't be wheeling and dealing with nobody, not even the Prince. He's being what we call 'a good host.' Might go so far as to say a great one, considering the circumstances." 

The man cast a long, long stare in Shail's direction. Impervious to the demon's displeasure, the crag cat patrolled the edge of the walkway. His head jerked up suddenly. He paused, ears curled forward, then dove face first into violet tiger lilies. His clubbed tail smashed the nearest flowers, but the Walrus steered me away with a whispered, "Didn't see who did that there."

The garden was, I had to admit, the most relaxing place I'd been to thus far. I actually almost felt human again, normal, like I was taking a walking tour through some old English castle. It wasn't the place I'd expected to do any kind of training, but being surrounded by dense, gentle vegetation was enough to boost my concentration on what mattered: learning about the Hunt.

"So what can you do for me before things take off?" I asked the man as he waddled down the path a step behind my unhurried pace.

"Well, I can be getting you some armor and weaponry. Some food rations, if you'd like. State what you want and I'll have it ready for ya."

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