30: Compromise

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While I gathered my thoughts, Gabriel lounged across Chiro's feet. The wolf dropped his chin on the man's lap, which was nudged away with an impatient hiss. "Tay wants to leave you all with me," the man said before I could so much as open my mouth.

"Yes, but—"

Dakota was on her feet and jabbing embers with a stick in a matter of seconds. "Hell no," she said, a dirty, blonde fury as the tattered hem of her dress fluttered above her knees. Val, and to some extent Yarah, watched in silence from their space tucked beside Shail. The crag cat sat with his paws around half a lizard he'd managed to catch and dismantle in my time away. One feathered blue wing twitched against his whiskers.

"Chiro told us about this guy while you were out," Val said.

Yarah echoed her with a sage nod and a brief, "He is not good news."

With my back against a root I pulled my knees to my chest and thought some more. I'd wanted to ease them into accepting my plan; Chiro had gone and given everyone the main highlight. Sensing their eyes boring into myour shoulders, I glanced reluctantly to Dakota. "How long do you think it'd take for Ajax to reach Lucas? I'm guessing he went into the city to find a medium. I didn't recognize the guy. If that's the case, he might be closer to Lucas and the evidence than we think."

The fire seemed to flare with her anger as she leered back at me. "He'd still have to convince him. If I was in Luke's position with two murders on my hands, I sure as shit wouldn't believe demons are the culprits. Come on, Tay." 

"You didn't see Ajax," I argued. And if she'd seen how he'd left, she'd be even angrier that I  believed in him. But I did. He was the only dad I knew, and he wouldn't let me down. "He'll get it done. And it's not that strange of a request to use a medium. Psychics have been called in on cases before."

"I'm just saying, I don't picture it being a matter of walking into the station, asking them to dim the lights and hold a few hands while you chant over an evidence bin. This is not the event we should be planning for."

"I know that," I said. "I'm planning for failure. That's what we're facing. We're in his world, in his elements, with his God. We're not equals; we're longshots. Either Chiro or myself has to cross the finish line with you. The King and his men won't accept you on your own."

 Dakota pointed the charred end of her stick at Chiro. "Make him go."

"I'm not making him do anything," I said, rocking onto my feet. My voice leapt into a pitchy range. I had to take a moment to calm myself and hiss back at her. "Akta will try and kill him. Thing is, and hear me out, I'm not sure he wants to kill me instantly."

"He'll kill you," Chiro said matter-of-factly.

I scowled at him. "We don't know when. It could be after the Hunt. The peddler works for the Witch. They were talking like they wanted me around after the end," I touched my lower abdomen, aware what sort of game this really was for the demons, aware that the likes of me hadn't been seen in a long time. What had Chiro called me before? The last chicken on earth? I squared my jaw and mustered up my resolve to look each of them in the eye. "He'll kill of you without question," I paused at Chiro, "Or try to. On paper I have the best chance at surviving the longest. So I should go. It's as simple as that."

"Tay," Dakota began.

I held up my hand tiredly. "Give me a minute, alright? I'll listen to everything you have to say, but first I just need a minute." If we talked too long, I might start thinking about what was coming, might start losing whatever foolish courage I'd built up in the process.

Dakota nodded to Val. The redhead started to stand.

"I'm not running away," I snapped. "I don't need an escort. I just need a moment alone."

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