Chapter 6

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You wake up to the light shining brightly in your room. you got up and looked at the time and saw that it was 9:00. you thought that you were late so you started rushing and then namjoon woke up. 

Namjoon: why are you rushing? 

You: we're gonna be late for school

Namjoon: (laughs)

You: whats so funny?

Namjoon: its Saturday

You: oh...

You felt completely dumb so you just stopped what you were doing and laid back down to go to sleep.

Namjoon: are you doing anything today?

You: no, why?

Namjoon: i didn't wanna get up (laughs)

You: me either, can we just sleep a little longer?

Namjoon: yes

Namjoon scoots closer to you and wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you near to him. 

Namjoon: there, that's better

You: (blushes)

You and Namjoon lay down for about another hour before deciding to get up and get something to eat. you guys go downstairs and you go and sit on the couch while Namjoon cooks. after he finished cooking he brought you some and you guys just sat on the couch eating. since neither of you had anything to do, you guys just decided to stay in your p.j's and watch movies all day.

Namjoon: thanks for letting me stay..

You: it was no problem

Namjoon: are you sure, how could you forgive me so easily after all iv'e done to you?

You: i don't know.. 

Namjoon: (y/n)..

You: ya.?

Namjoon: nothing.. never mind..

You: okay..?

You guys literally just sat inside all day and watched movies but it was getting really late so you decided to head to bed. 

You: hey, i'm gonna go to bed. are you staying here again or no?

Namjoon: could i stay..?

You: ya, of course, its just me here anyway so why not.

Namjoon: thanks, ill be up in a minute

You: ok

Namjoon POV:

"UGH, why couldn't i just tell her. i really need to tell her how i feel. but what if my hyungs disapprove. . you know what, i don't care, i need to tell her, i need to tell her what i should have told her a long time ago, before i became popular. i need to tell her that i love her, she needs to know, even if she doesn't love me back.. i can do this" i thought to myself. :why do you make me so crazy, (y/n) why am i so crazy for you." i said silently to myself.

It was really late and (y/n) already went to bed and i really wanted to just cuddle up right next to her and fall asleep, so i decided to head up for bed. once i got to her room it looked like she was already asleep so i went and sat down next to her and whispered next to her, "why after all these years, do i still love you like i did before everything happened, why cant i just be like my hyungs and not fall for someone." after i whispered that to her i went to the other side of the bed and laid down and wrapped my arms around (y/n)'s waist and pulled her close to me.

Falling for my bully..?[Namjoon X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now