Chapter 7

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Namjoon POV:

"how am i gonna tell her" i thought to myself "i guess i'll just have to tell her really fast, like ripping off a bandage." i sat on my bed for about 20 minutes thinking of how i'm gonna tell her. i finally decided to get up and get ready. i was just about to leave when i got a text. it was from the group chat i'm in with my hyungs.

Kookie: where's rap monster


Jin: why aren't you at school?!?!?

Jimin: i cant believe you ditched us

J-hope: you meanie

V: how rudee

RapMonster: i'm not coming today, i'll explain later. 

Kookie: you better

i shut my phone off and head towards the park. i finally arrive and see that shes already sitting on the bench waiting for me. i walk up to her and sit down beside her.

Namjoon: hey

You: oh, hey

Namjoon: so, um, remember when my mom texted me saying there was something important she needed to tell me?

You: yeah, why? is something wrong?

Namjoon: well... she said that her and my dad are getting a divorce and he's staying here in Korea while she takes me to live in america..

You: are...are you serious..?

Namjoon: yeah..

You: wow, i finally get my best friend back, then i lose him again...

Namjoon: (y/n) i'm really sorry

You: i...i gotta go... bye...

i tried calling out for her but it was too late, and i couldn't go after her because i had to get home and pack. my flight was leaving tonight. i only had a few hours to pack, so i went home and started packing my things when my phone buzzed.

Suga: Rapmon, where are you, why weren't you at home, we all went over to your house but you weren't there

Jimin: yeah, you ok?


RapMonster: i'm home now, can you guys come over, i have something to tell you guys.

Suga: on our way

After about 10 minutes there were two knocks on my door. i let them in and told them i was leaving for america tonight and i don't know if i'll ever be back. they all looked really sad but then they told me that they knew i would be back eventually. but when i asked why they thought that, they didn't answer.

It was about 8pm when they left, which meant my flight was in an hour. i had already got everything packed and ready to go. 

Mom: honey! are you ready?

Rapmon: yeah mom, i'm coming

I hurried downstairs to my mom and we left to catch our flight. i was really upset that i had to leave but i'm kinda glad because i'm hoping i can get myself together and if i come back, be a better man to take care of (y/n)... if she'll wait for me..

Your POV:

"I cant believe he's leaving... right when i think something good is gonna come, something bad always follows it. i should have known something like this was gonna happen." you thought to yourself. 

After hearing what Namjoon had to say to you, you ran away from him before you got hurt even more. you kept running until you felt your phone vibrating. you answered it and it was the hospital saying that your mom was in a bad car accident and she was in the E.R. and possibly wouldn't make it. you were even more upset because you couldn't do anything cuz you were in Korea and she was in america. you ran right home and just cried and cried. 

Once you finished crying you checked your phone which had 15 missed text messages and 5 missed calls. 10 messages and 4 missed calls were from Jungkook saying that he was really worried cuz you weren't answering, 5 messages were from Namjoon saying he was really sorry and he was getting on his flight, 1 missed call was from the hospital. you ignored Namjoon and just told Jungkook that you were really busy and couldn't get to your phone. you were debating on if you wanted to call the hospital back or not. you finally got the courage and called back. 

Hospital: hello?

You: hello, i was called a little while ago but didn't get the chance to pick up. i think it might have been something concerning my mother who was in a car accident?

Hospital: ah yes, your mother was in a very bad accident, she undertook 4 hours of surgery but, uh, we still couldn't save her.. i'm very sorry.

you couldn't stand the thought of your mother not ever coming home. you hung up the phone and started crying again. eventually you cried so much you fell asleep. when you woke up the next morning you didn't want to go to school but you knew if you didn't your mom would be disappointed, so you got up and got ready then left.

When you got to school you saw Jungkook waiting for you at the gates. you went up to him and forced a smile. when you got to class it felt really weird because Namjoon wasn't there to bully you anymore. 

You sat at your desk staring blankly. 


It was time for lunch so you just went up to the roof. you sat there alone for about 10 minutes when you heard the door open and saw Jungkook come and sit by you. 

Jungkook: are you ok?

You: yeah, why?

Jungkook you've seemed really upset all day. you know if something is wrong you can tell me.

You: me and Namjoon were finally getting close again, then he left. then i found out my mom was in a bad car accident and she died after 4 hours of surgery. 

Once you finished telling him, you started crying. Jungkook just sat there and held you until you finally stopped crying and fell asleep. when you woke up it was already the end of the day. you sat up and saw that Jungkook fell asleep too. you woke him up and told him it was time to go. 

Jungkook walked home with you and stayed at your house playing video games and watching movies until you got tired and headed to bed. once he knew you were asleep, he went home. 



hope you guys liked the chapter <3

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