Chapter 16: Betrayal

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Copyright 2013 © Rosesareforever

Delicate Hearts

Chapter 16


A groan left Jasmine’s lips as she tossed and turned for the umpteenth time that night. She couldn’t seem to find sleep, no matter how tired she felt. Every time her eyes fell closed all she could see was Lucas’ handsome face, the dark gleam in his eyes when he kissed her and the knowing smirk that appeared when he realized how much he affected her.

Lucas was a very troubled guy, but Jasmine couldn’t deny he had a good heart underneath it all. Her attraction towards him only seemed to intensify with every day that passed. She desperately tried to fight her feelings, but soon realized it was impossible. Lucas found a way around her neatly built walls. She cared deeply about him, no reason to deny it.

The more she thought about it, the more she wondered if Hank might have been right. In the end, she decided Hank was wrong. Jasmine couldn’t be in love with someone – it was impossible. Not after she lost everyone and everything she ever cared about. She was afraid to love, scared shitless that she would lose another person close to her heart.

Lucas meant a whole lot to her, but Jasmine refused to let herself fall for him. She needed to stay strong, needed to keep her heart locked safely away from all the hurt. One fluttering moment of weakness could end her perfectly in control life and the plans she contrived. One moment could harm her irrevocably. She had been torn to pieces before, and another setback would shatter her completely.

This is why she hated these sleepless nights. It gave her too much time to think.  Curling into a ball, Jasmine hugged her pillow to her chest and shut her eyes closed. She wanted to be strong. God, how she wanted that. So many tragedies happened in life, yet most people easily overcame them. Desperately she had tried to do the same, but Jasmine didn’t seem to find a way out of the mess that became her life. She wanted to be the person that said ‘fuck it’ and went on with life, wanted to be fearless and strong. Sadly, she wasn’t that kind of person.

The sudden noise of a car driving up the driveway startled Jasmine. Letting go of the pillow she’d been holding on to for dear life, she sat up and looked through the window. Nathan’s sleek silver Lamborghini came into view. As the engine was turned off, Jasmine heard the door shutting with a loud thud before everything turned eerily quiet.

Confused, Jasmine kept her eyes focused on Nathan as he ran inside the house. It was already past midnight. Why on earth would Nathan be out that late? As far as she knew, Lucy hadn’t said anything about seeing him tonight. Maybe he wanted to surprise her? Then again, Nathan seemed to be in a bad mood just now. He never shut his doors closed that wildly. The guy cared too much about his precious vehicle.

Alarm bells rang inside Jasmine’s head, but she refused to let her pessimism overrule. She didn’t want to look like a fool when it turned out that nothing bad was going on. It wouldn’t be the first time she judged too quickly. Sighing, she curled back underneath the sheets and closed her eyes. Ignoring her gut feeling that told her something was seriously wrong, she let herself tumble into a dreamless sleep.



The following morning, Jasmine walked into school with a burning headache and feeling exhausted from a serious lack of sleep. For some reason she kept waking up the previous night, the bad feeling in the pit of her stomach growing stronger. Something bad was about to happen, she could feel it. Last time her gut told her something was up, her grandmother passed away.

Delicate HeartsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora