No Conclusion

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I cannot come to an ends
My head engulfed in sins
Of touching your skin

I cannot go away
Just because you don't answer my hey
My heart will always stay
With you

I cannot get over you
The way I felt flew
Across the skies with all the stars
And then fell

I cannot proceed
Without you there to relieve
All the loneliness I perceive
I need you here

How can you not see
how much I love you?

Maybe you do see, but you are stupid enough to not love me back...
Actually think about it? Like... Was I really that horrible of a boyfriend? Or are you just blind.

What more could a person want?
Then to be loved by another with all they have got... Cause I love you even after you broke my heart, and you still do not want me... I must love you a lot yet you don't care. You keep avoiding, and it makes it worse for both of us.

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