Chapter 1

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Looking back, I realized that everything that ever happened to me, good or bad, has brought me to a better place because...


The night air was humid and the stars was dancing high up in the sky, with the full moon hanging low, lighting up the night.
But as Liz layed in my arms, nothing could light the dark that came creeping over me. My whole world started to fall apart around me, with the woman I loved in grave danger. He body limp in my arms.
Looking up to the heavens, I said a silent prayer as the tears ran down my face.
Praying wasn't something I often did but tonight I needed help.

I didn't realize a crowd of people was starting to gathered around me, until I heard the sounds of sirens coming closer.
"Let us through." I heard someone calling from behind me and only registered when the voice spoke to me, calmly.
"Sir." Someone touched my shoulder.
"Sir, we'll take it from here."
I let go of Liz reluctantly as I watched the paramedics do their job. As I looked on, one of the policemen came to question me on what happened.
Cooperating with him, cause someone needed to pay for what just happened, I told my story and he said they'll contact me to let me know what will come of the guy that ran Liz over.
They had Liz on the stretcher by the time I finished talking to the police officer - her neck secured, drip in the arm and started wheeling her to the ambulance.
Something caught the corner of my eye and when I turned and looked, they were trying to get the guy that hit Liz, out of the car.
Feeling the anger rose in me, I clenched my jaws together, closing my hands in a tight fists. I would deal with that asshole later but for now all that mattered was Liz and the baby.

I didn't dare go back to my apartment out of fear of what I would do to Gerry and got into the ambulance, sitting along side Liz, holding her hand.
The ambulance drove fast, speeding, with sirens whaling above me. The paramedics couldn't tell me what was wrong with Liz until the doctor's had a good look at her.

We came to a stop at the emergency entrance. As they rushed Liz through the dubble doors,  l was left behind, standing at the entrance. One of the nurses came to usher me to the waiting room.
It seemed like forever but soon a nurse made an appearance.
"Excuse me sir, are you the ladies husband that was wheeled in?" the nurse asked.
"No, I'm her fiancé. How is she doing?"
"I can't say. They just took her through to have a MRI scan done. She's still unconscious but a doctor will come and talk to you once they know what's wrong with your fiancé. In the meantime we need you to fill out the paperwork for her admittance."
I walked to reception to fill out the forms when my cell started ringing.
"Rheese is everything okay? Ben has been waiting for Liz and he's starting to worry."
It was Keith on the cell but as he spoke, the sadness that filled my heart, I was struggling to keep it together.
"Keith, I'm at the hospital. Liz was in an accident. She was knocked over and..." I couldn't finish my sentence, too afraid of thinking about all that is and could go wrong.
"Rheese - hang on lad. We on our way. Which hospital are you at?"
I told Keith which hospital I was at and hung up, sitting down to fill out the forms that was handed to me.

I went back to the waiting room and fell onto the couch, waiting for the doctor.
My mind was in turmoil, sitting with my head in my hands.
Hearing footsteps I looked up to see if it was the doctor but it was Keith and Ben walking towards me.
"Hey buddy. How are you holding up?" Ben was the first to give me a hug.
"I suppose I'm okay."
"What happened?" Ben asked with wet eyes, trying to hold his tears back.
Just as I was about to explain what happened, the doctor made an appearance.
"Hi. I'm here to speak to Mr. Carter."
"That's me. How is Liz doing?"
"Well, we just had a look at the scan and we need to release the pressure on her brain that accured when her head hit the ground, but we sitting with a problem. As you know Elizabeth is pregnant and there is a big chance that the baby will not survive the surgery. That brings me to the next question. If we operate and the baby's life is in danger, what do you want us to do save Elizabeth or the baby?"

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